Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting Traffic to Your Website Is A Numbers Game

How many visitors come to your website every day? Chances are not enough! Getting traffic to your website is something you must constantly work at hand is a numbers game to a certain extent.

Ultimately the people who get the most traffic are the ones who put together a system and stick with it. Usually this comes down to mixing in paid advertising with free advertising.

Here are two of the best ways to combine these advertising methods.

Paid Advertising

1. Pay per click advertising can work for virtually any niche a business is in. Of course Google Adwords is the largest PPC search engine in the world.

However there are many excellent purchases to be made on other smaller PPC search engines. Three that come to mind include Yahoo Marketing, 7search, Bidvertiser.

Another form of paid advertising using pay per click is social network advertising. Facebook Ads have been paying back very well for people who learn how to do it correctly.

2. Purchase tools to automate as much of your business as possible. One of the most popular is to use an article submission site such as Submit Your Article.

This allows you to get more articles into the marketplace faster. Other examples of tools to automate your business to help generate traffic would include using an autoresponder for email marketing and a social bookmarking site such as

Free Advertising

1. Article marketing. It does not cost you any money to write and submit your articles. This is one proven method of generating traffic to a website that continues to perform well when done correctly.

The more articles you get into directories the more potential traffic they can bring you. There is also a skill factor involved in writing the articles.

Targeting keyword phrases can help bring you traffic from search engines when your articles begin to rank well. You can outsource article writing for a reasonable price if you do not enjoy writing.

2. Blogging. Virtually every successful Internet business has a blog.

Even if you primarily do retail sales you can benefit from a blog. Not only are they great source of traffic from the blog articles, but they can rank very well with search engines too.

Search engines love fresh content and blogging helps give you that. It is also a good way to build a subscriber base either through email marketing or through your RSS feed.

Ultimately getting traffic to your website is a numbers game and you must play the numbers. Doing a combination of paid advertising and free advertising is the best way to maximize your exposure and increase your website traffic.

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