Are you content with YOUR marketing campaign? Or... let me guess. You don't even HAVE one yet? Shame, shame, freelancer friend! Your marketing campaign is crucial to the future success of your business. A campaign is a specific plan of action that includes the following:
- creative elements
- content that's packaged in multiple forms
- chosen communication avenues
- regularly timed information releases
- your branding message
- email subscriber "captures"
- an "ultimate end" that serves as your cash cow
Your marketing campaign will be there to keep you aligned with your mission. Without a campain, you will never be able to focus your effort. The short-term goal? Hit the market hard and steady. Go for capture and conversion that builds trust and credibility with your customers. The final goal? Unleash the "Ultimate Product" on your audience and make that sale.
Specific Instructions How to Execute the Ultimate Marketing Campaign.
(Note: If I were turning this into a book, I would blow out each and every element here and explain it to you in great detail so that you would know step by step how to carry out each action from start to finish.)
1. Prep Phase. Create a themed website using orignal artwork and copy, with its own unique domain that tells your reader the story in 3 words or less. Capture the mood and language of your target customer. Organize pages categorically and design for optimal navigation.
2. Content Creation. Write strong, hard-hitting content that you will publish in your email newsletter, e-books, network posts, blog entries and in web articles you submit to directories. You will need a LOT of content, including internal elements like your website, blog, newsletter and email drip campaign, plus external elements you plan to release on the web in the form of articles, network posts and ads.
3. Press Preparation. Write PR material for the promotion and hit the web hard with periodic informative updates on the "big plan." Include the Who, What, When, Where, How, Why; write in third person and make sure your audience knows why this is newsworthy information.
4. Internal Customer Info. Create HTML-formatted "customer information" that you will send to every person who signs up for or shows interest in your promotion. Anticipate questions your readers will ask, and craft detailed answers that you can utilize later. Explain any pertinent details, for example: "How to Sign Up for Our Affiliate Program."
5. Call Them To Action. Write an informative tag with a call to action. This tag should tell who you are, why the customer should start paying attention to you, and what they must do to receive more information. Pin this tag on every single piece of content you release on the web. Don't forget your URL that leads to a landing page where you can capture their email address!
6. Brand it. You MUST add your name, URL, signature slogan and matching logo to every single piece of content you put into circulation. Do you have a tagline? If not, start brainstorming a memorable one-liner to add to the bottom of your messages.
7. Timed Release. Every so often, you must bop your readers over the head with another useful snippet of information. Deliver their happy pill (or their free download) with a message that reminds them who you are and urges them to take action, i.e. "Sign Up for More Free Info Right Here." This is how to build trust and credibility.
8. The Final Stretch. As if you weren't doing enough, in the last leg of your campaign you must kick it into high gear so that your readers will be reminded of what you can do for them. The Final Stretch should intrigue your readers and hold them at bay while building to the grand finale, which of course will be far more exciting than any other element you've produced so far!
9. The Payoff. You've got to give your customers something amazing, better than all the free info you've already provided. It may take a long time to get to the payoff, but this should be your long term goal- that thing you will create that people will be willing to pay money for because they believe in you and your products. Maybe it's the Ultimate Marketing Manual, a Series of Teleclasses, a Hard Cover Book, or Tickets to Your Seminar.
Ultimately, you cannot expect to make money on the web without a plan. It takes a long time to produce and distribute content on the web, so having helpers can be a lifesaver. If you can't afford to hire helpers, put your nose to the grindstone because to make this work you've really got to throw your soul into it. Think you can take the callenge? I'm rooting for you all the way!
Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.
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