1. Digital marketing has proven recession-proof in the times of global economic slowdown. Digital marketing strategies gave a respite to marketing companies during recession when traditional marketing tools proved helpless. Not only that, online marketing helped the digital media marketing companies gain business in the lean times of global economic slowdown.
2. Digital media marketing strategies are far more cost-effective than the traditional marketing media tools.
3. online marketing strategies don't require long-standing commitments. Instead, online media marketing tools like PPC ads can be changed on a daily basis.
4. Online media marketing output is easily trackable. Digital marketing media strategies have a high degree of measurability. Thus, designing a target-oriented digital media marketing program becomes easier.
5. Digital media marketing has transformed the marketing industry. Online marketing includes use of mobile phone and internet technology provides a cheap medium to establish direct contact with the customers.
6. Digital media marketing tools are more accessible. Therefore, the rate of response is far higher in comparison to the traditional media.
7. Focused digital media marketing campaigns most likely attract the prospects that later convert into leads.
8. Cost-effective nature and target-oriented approach of online marketing strategies enable the digital media marketer to hit the prospects regularly and repeatedly. This helps in leaving a long-lasting impact on the marketing clients.
9. Use of latest technology in digital media marketing campaigns creates an impression that the marketing company knows about the latest technological developments and believes in upgrading itself as per the demand of time.
10. With online marketing media, it becomes easier to implement quick changes in design of the campaign. If a change is required in the digital media marketing strategy, it can be executed almost immediately.
Author Bio:
WebTotal Marketing offers business solutions through digital media marketing and internet marketing solutions to businesses to build their branding and traffic to the website.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Top 10 advantages of Digital marketing
Home Based Business You Can Start (With Little Start Up Costs)
Internet marketing is as old as the Internet itself. In it's infancy Internet marketing was simply text-based websites that provided product information. As the internet grew and evolved, so did Internet Marketing. The concept moved from simple information based / text websites into lavish graphic filled advertisements.
The attraction to Internet Marketing is the sheer size of the potential consumer base. No longer is one limited to local advertising. The internet allows consumers from across the globe the ability to search out products and information.
Now the concept of Internet Marketing has caught the eye of many entrepreneurs and is turning into a popular work from home business. One such business that is steadily increasing in popularity is the Plug In Profit site.
The Plug In Profit website first debuted over 4 years ago as a creation of Internet Marketer Stone Evans, otherwise known as "The Home Biz Guy". Mr. Evans created the Plug In Profit concept as an incentive to join a few select affiliate programs. What it does is provide free websites that are loaded with select affiliate programs that you, as a new Internet Marketer, can promote.
The website that is created for the new Internet Marketer who joins the Plug In Profit business is initially loaded with a handful of programs to start the new affiliate off. These initial programs are SFI, Host4Profit, GetResponse, Internet Marketing Warriors, Empowerism and Traffic Swarm. The entrepreneur can join any Plug In Profit program at no charge. Once the website is built for the entrepreneur, usually within 24 hours of joining, they are ready to begin to advertise their new business and bring other affiliates into their downline.
As you start your own business with the Plug In Profit website you are able to pick your own domain name, which is displayed on the website that is created for you. There is a web hosting fee, as there is to have any website available on the Internet. For the entrepreneur who is new to the world of Internet Marketing, starting off with a Plug In Profit website can be very beneficial as you are provided with online marketing tips and ongoing training. You have access to a members-only forum where you can get quick responses to questions you may have.
Another benefit of the Plug In Profit website is the book that is included in the website set up package. The book "30 Days to Success" is a day by day guide to help the novice Internet Marketer find success working their home business on the web. Topics such as how and where to advertise the Plug In Profit website and program, how to write articles that will promote ones business, how to get ranked higher in the Search Engines, etc. are included. The book also covers optional offline marketing strategies as well as many other ideas and tips to help one succeed.
Lastly, as a Plug In Profit business owner you are given your own, fully customizable email newsletter that will market your company for 400 days in a row. This is an added benefit of joining the Plug In Profit business model.
The website itself can be customized to suit ones own style and direction. Many successful Internet Marketers begin with the basic Plug In Profit website so they can begin to grow their business while they are learning the ins and outs of Internet Marketing; however, as their business grows they often change their website to add additional programs and to change the look and feel of the site itself. The Plug In Profit website makes customizing the site uncomplicated.
Although the Plug In Profit business model gives you all the tools and products that you need to be successful, what it can not do is make you take action. Being an Internet Marketer can be a very rewarding business. It appeals to those who want to be able to set their own hours, work from the comfort of their own home office, avoid rush hour traffic and maybe even work in one's pajamas. Stay at home moms and dads alike have discovered the opportunity Internet Marketing provides but this is a business, like any other business, that does take effort.
With PIPS (Plug In Profit), you are in business for yourself; however, you are not by yourself. Between the "30 Days to Success" book, the help desk available to those who have questions and the Members Only forum where other Internet Marketers provide helpful information on what they have found works and what pitfalls they have been able to avoid, the new Internet Marketer is not left in the dark trying to start a business with no help or resources.
Ride The Unstoppable Force of Web Home Business
Web home-based business is about to enter its highest growth phase with millions of new players piling in and exploding the market – in other words a boom. If you're thinking about getting started - now is the time!
Some things in life are predictable. They follow known patterns that have happened many times before. Every industry there ever was goes through the same cycle in maturing. There is a period of invention and innovation leading to what is now called the ‘tipping point' – a moment when the business moves from a ‘good idea' to an ‘unstoppable force.' This leads to a period of growth, eventually a long maturity and finally a period of decline. How long the cycle takes varies between industries, but it ALWAYS happens. All that varies is the speed of growth and decline, the size of the industry, and most importantly the timing.
Well, when an industry is kicked past the ‘tipping point' and into a boom period it is usually because of some conjunction of events. On the surface, the automobile industry was kicked into high gea by Henry Ford and the Model T, a car for everyone. But the Model T was only possible because of 50 years of evolution of the car itself and of production technology plus the spread of the ‘idea' of personal transportation. These things had been coming for a long time. But when enough things were in place the industry took off. That's where web home-based business is right now.
Here are a few of the indicators:
Ø The infrastructure is in place as well as the tools for taking part: It may not be universal yet, but ubiquitous broadband is only a matter of time. Simplified tools for web design and web business management have been created and supplemented by hundreds of low-cost services. These inventions have dramatically lowered the cost of getting into business and reduced the risks that come with failure. This is already encouraging entrepreneurship and creating the conditions for mass involvement.
Ø Structure is settling into the industry: In the car industry, big companies like Ford and eventually General Motors, brought organization to the industry. They organized the thousands of suppliers and the huge distribution and service networks. This happens in every industry. On the web, the next generation of great companies is in place – Yahoo, Google, eBay, iTunes, Rhapsody etc. Technically known as ‘aggregators' they are creating focal points that web entrepreneurs can cluster around, buy from and most important sell through. The emergence of this kind of structure is indicative of an industry starting the maturing phase.
Ø An economic explanation: The last five years have seen the arrival of an economic theory tuned to the web. Basic economics works everywhere. But when a new phenomenon arrives economics takes a while to absorb its implications: just like it had to absorb mass production and account for the mass consumer markets. This is now done with the ‘economics of abundance' and the concept of the 'long tail' explaining the dynamics of the digital world. Why is this important? Because without a unifying theory mass investment will not take place. With such a theory capital feels safe because it ‘knows the rules.'
Ø Body of practice: The last ten years has seen the emergence of an understanding about how to make money on the web. Created by entrepreneurial practitioners, this ‘body of knowledge' is highly fragmented. It is like the techniques used to sell cars in the 1930's: young and primitive compared with what will come; but for all that, a set of techniques that work. The techniques are spread amongst hundreds of individuals, what is needed is a ‘bringing together', a codification so that the techniques can be taught to the mass market. This is what the business schools did in the mid-20th century. Programs are already starting to appear at community colleges a sign that knowledge is settling.
Ø Spreading understanding: Ideas spread predictably through a population. We know how it happens and we can measure it. But ideas that link technology and lifestyle changes often spread only with changes in generations. The first generation of web babies is reaching maturity. Children who started school in 1990 at age 5 are now 21 years old and adult. They have never known a non-networked world. This last point is vital. In the West, the employment experience of the next couple of generations will be dramatically different from that of the 20th century. Portfolio careers, multiple streams of income, unabashed entrepreneurship will be the norm as people go back three hundred years to the more economically self-reliant lives lived before the Industrial Revolution herded us all into factories.
These are classic signs of an idea that is moving past the tipping point; from a few innovators, opinion leaders and fast followers into the mass consciousness of the economically active population. Put all this into the context of a global, unrestricted market and you have ALL the ingredients of a boom. Are you ready?
You can find additional info at the following links:
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7 Ways To Use Social Media Training For Sales And Crush Your Competition
Are you ready to learn some social media training for sales people that is specifically designed to help you get more sales? Sure, having 1001 friends, being on every forum and all the social networking sites is terrificÂ…but is it translating into sales?
Let’s face it. It’s all about the bottom line for your business. Here are seven tips in using social media training for sales people to start earning more sales:
1. STOP PITCHING! Unless you are planning on starting your own minor league baseball team, you can’t win this game by directly pitching to people on social networks. Forget all the trite sayings you were taught in business marketing school, this advice is based on a time that occurred well before social networking was ever the phenomenon it is today. Instead, you need to build relationships. This is what people are really hungry for. When you connect with someone authentically, they want to buy your products, services or goods. It seems like a backwards way of getting a sale, but it really works!
2. BUILD ON WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE. If you have a network of only half a dozen close friends, then invite all them up to the next event you attend or organize. Attend more networking events and make an effort to keep connected with your new contacts via social media. A contact that starts in the real world will be much more valuable online. You need to start by expanding your personal network in order to truly get how your virtual network can expand by creating new relationships. Observe. Listen. Apply to the social networks you belong to now, and add some of your findings to new social networks that you are perhaps exposed to via new friends.
3. NEVER THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL. I have a friend who has been teaching at community colleges for over three decades. She gets exposed to a lot of people, but since she has been doing it for so long, she sometimes forgets that even an expert in their field can learn something new. She found out, for instance, that her son could take community college classes right in her own backyard at a pilot school and didn’t have to travel across the city in order to do so. The school had been operating under her nose for over three years. Social media training for sales people involves asking yourself this question and giving an honest answer: How many opportunities are you missing that are right under your nose because you think you know everything about sales already?
Related: Social Media Tips From Sales Expert Jeffrey Gitomer: Special Interview
4. PROVIDE SOMETHING FOR FREE. It is estimated that most new businesses are developed online by offering something for free or at a high-value, low-cost price so that you get your new ‘friends’ hooked on your product or service. Are you the best organic gardener on the planet? Offer great, free tips and then sell them your E-book once you have built a loyal following.
5. PROVIDE MORE VALUE THAN YOUR COMPETITION. It doesn’t matter if you charge less or more than your competitors, what matters is the value you provide them both before and after the sale. Beef up your offer by providing more value than your competition. It doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot on overhead or products. You can easily find ways to provide additional value with exclusive offers and services.
6. NURTURE YOUNG RELATIONSHIPS. You wouldn’t water a plant once and then expect it to grow sky high. Build a relationship with your contacts and then keep watering it. Stay in contact. Be persistent but not obtrusive.
7. FOLLOW STEPS 1-6 again and again. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” This is especially the case for sales people utilizing social media.
In your opinion, what would the ideal social media training for sales program contain?
Related: 7 Secrets LinkedIn Experts Keep (Because They’re Too Good To Share!)
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Over 57 Percent Of American Homes Have Access To High-Speed Internet Service
PC Penetration Vs Internet Penetration in American Homes
According to Nielsen's National TV panel, around 80.6% homes in US possess a computer in their home. Around 91.6% of these households have Internet connection. This shows that there are more American homes without computers than homes having a PC without any Internet access. Thus, the major challenge in providing web access to all the Americans is the lag in PC penetration.
57% of US Homes Have Access to High-Speed Internet
According to HT survey, over 57% of the Americans have access to high-speed Internet access. Only 17% subscribe to a dial-up service. A recent Consumer Audit Survey reports that an average home spends about $37 per month for home Internet service. This is one-half of what they individually spend on mobile service and TV service.
Factors That Influence Internet Connection Type
According to Nielsen Claritas Convergence audit, 67% of American homes with a PC have access to high-speed Internet service. Around 11% of them are subscribed to dial-up connection. The following are some factors that were found to influence the type of Internet connection an American home possesses.
• Education level: Major part of households with a high-speed Internet service is with their HOH at least possessing some college certificate or higher. Around three-quarters of homes with a college graduate as HOH have a high-speed Internet connection. Education level is also a motivating aspect for possession of an Internet connection.
• Combined home annual income: Income also seems to be one of the major factors influencing the possession of an Internet service. In the survey, it was found that around 56% of homes with a combined annual income of less than $40K do not have any Internet connection.
Age: Over 78% of people between age group of 18-34 have access to high-speed Internet service. The percentage of people who possessed a PC but do not have any kind of Internet connection, seemed to increase along with the age group. In the age group of 18-34 - around 12% of them did not have Internet access, while it is 40% in case of people in age group of 65+.
The comparably lesser PC penetration stands as the major challenge in extending Internet access to all US households. Other challenges include low education levels and low household incomes. However, the overall percentage of people who do not have any type of Internet connection at home decreased from 26% in December 2007 to 23% in December 2008.
Marvist is an Internet advertising agency providing Internet marketing services to help companies to increase online sales and improve their profitability. Marvist was founded in 2005 and has been rapidly growing since then and has clients now in 11 countries including USA, Canada, UK, Spain, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Internet Marketing Strategies for Local Business
Now more then ever profitable opportunities exist to promote your local business on the Internet. Through search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, email marketing and local listings, you can connect with a willing audience. Your customers are turning to the Internet to find local products and services. If your competitors have an online presence and you don't, guess who gets to take home the prize
Below are several crucial techniques for promoting your business regionally:
Listings in local search engines and directories
Pay Per Click advertising in Google and Yahoo
Email marketing
Search engine optimization
Local Listings
Even if you do not have a web site you can still promote your local business online. For example, you can list you business and contact information with the local search engines of Yahoo and Google. It takes an hour at the most to get a free listing on the two most popular search engines. Your listing will include an interactive map that can direct customers right to your front door.
Another important resource that accepts free listings is Verizon's Superpages.com, as does the local version of AOL.
And don't overlook regional and industry specific directories. Many accept free listings, or charge a nominal fee. Once again, for most a web site is not a prerequisite.
Pay Per Click Advertising
If you do have a web site, than you need to promote your local business through Pay Per Click on both Google and Yahoo. With Pay Per Advertising you bid on keyword terms that your potential customers would use in a search. An example is "Tacoma Wedding Photographer." The cost per click depends on how competitive the term is. You only pay if a prospect clicks on your text ad and goes to your site. This is referred to as performance advertising, where you only pay if the ad performs.
The appeal of PPC is you can get it going within an hour. You set the budget, you determine what keywords are relevant, and you determine your price per click. You can also turn it on or off in an instance. The general consensus is that PPC generates a higher return on your investment over traditional offline advertising.
Search Engine Optimization - Free Traffic
For those that like a challenge there is search engine optimization. SEO is the ability to optimize your web site for high search ranking. If you can optimize your site properly, you can benefit from an endless stream of free, targeted search engine traffic. It takes time and effort, but the results can take your business to a whole new level.
If you are selling nationally SEO can be cutthroat. For a local business it can be relatively easy to rank for terms that relate to your business and location. (ex. Richmond Wedding Photographer)
Local Email Marketing
Another tremendous marketing tool is email. For virtually nothing you can communicate with both prospects and your existing customers. Email is an excellent method to convert prospects to customers. It can also significantly increase the lifetime value of your existing customers by simply alerting them to upcoming sales and promotions.
Knowing the power of email communication, I find it hard to believe how few use it to promote their local business. Now listen up, start collecting your customer's email addresses today. I can guarantee they will respond favorably to joining your list. We all like to be informed on bargains and special offers.
The future of your local business will depend on the Internet. It is estimated 25% of searches online are local in nature. The Internet is the perfect resource for finding local products and services, which is why your customers are searching online. Now is the time to get your business positioned to reap the rewards.
Sell More Now -- How To Encourage Quantity Purchases and Boost Your Revenues, Cash Flow, and Profits
Sell more to each customer. Now there’s a simple formula anyone can easily understand.
But many entrepreneurs and small business owners fail to capitalize on the "sell more now" strategy to maximize their returns. Yet, it’s the easiest way to make more money in virtually any business.
Converting prospects to customers is often a difficult challenge. Moving them from a place of uncertainty and indecision to a “yes -- I’ll take it!” state of mind, means using the full complement of sales tools and techniques.
But once your prospect has made the decision to buy, the pressure is off. They’re relaxed and relieved. That's the time to sell more products and services.
It's your golden opportunity to increase revenues, cash flow, and profits with very little additional effort.
Simply by increasing the dollar amount of the initial purchase -- by offering discounts or other extra bonuses on quantity buys. What you want to do is encourage the buyer to spend more money through inducements, extras, discounts, and special deals. Make it enticing and you'll sell more goods.
Some customers are happy to buy consumable products by the caseload -- rather than single packages -- when they could save some money by doing so.
Just look at the success of stores like Costco and Sam’s Club. Many of their products are bundled into quantities that are larger than those a typical family would buy. Simply making this option available means they sell more goods.
Often the price is just too attractive to pass by. People end up spending more cash -- just to “save” money.
Once you have a customer in your store, browsing through your catalogue, or visiting your web site, your task is to maximize the value of their visit. In other words, sell more goods and boost your profits.
Make it easy for visitors to buy. Make it easy for them to spend more money than they planned to. Obviously, you want them to do so happily and without regret. After all, you only want satisfied customers.
In fact, you should make it an objective of your business to develop life-long customers. The profit potential of repeat purchases and referrals are simply unmatched. The more repeat customers you have, the less you’ll need to spend on attracting new customers.
You'll sell more products at far less effort and expense. Whatever quantity deals you offer should always be in your customer's best interest. It’s not a matter of unloading excess inventory; it's about offering superb value. Do so and you'll automatically sell more widgets.
Increasing the value of a purchase can be as simple as providing support materials or accessories that are natural and convenient additions to whatever the customer is buying. For example... an electrical supply store could offer booklets that guide homeowners to safely carry out minor repairs and installations themselves.
A sportswear retailer could offer socks and underwear in addition to their full line of outerwear, as extra accessories at the point of purchase.
Self-development author, Anthony Robbins offered a video at a substantial discount with every package of “Personal Power” audiotapes or CD’s sold. The video offer was only introduced after the initial sale had been made. This proved to be an effective technique for increasing the average cash value of a purchase. Offer additional value at the "moment of truth" and you'll sell more now.
Scaling down the price-per-piece according to the amount purchased also helps to stimulate additional volume purchases. This works well with products that have large profit margins and where customers can easily justify getting more than one, as is the case with consumable products and gift items. Give buyers an extra advantage on quantity purchases and you will sell more. One local entrepreneur sells single bottle wine stands at local fairs and shopping mall kiosks.
This product is nothing more than a single piece of wood cut on a sharp angle with one hole drilled through, on the same angle. The weight of the bottle balances the board. It’s a novel idea – one that captures people’s attention quickly.
This savvy marketer sells one wine stand for $5 -- or two for $6.50. He sells far more packages of two, than he does single units. Why? It’s such a great deal, few passers-by can resist. An extra buck and a half is mere pocket change and there’s always someone the buyer could give it to. It’s too difficult to ignore something like this.
Think of supermarket pricing. While shopping for groceries yesterday, the price of bundled green onions were clearly marked at -- 3 for 99 cents. There was no price listed for just one bunch. Guess what? Most people that were buying green onions yesterday, took 3 bunches.
Perhaps it was the perception that this “special price” was only available on quantity purchases. People often assume that they’ll get a better price (per piece) on three, than just one. Here’s how the thinking goes. “ I might be charged 50 cents for one bunch. Buying 3 gives me each for just 33 cents. That’s better value, so I’ll take 3 bunches”.
Another way to encourage customers to spend more is by offering an attractive discount on a second, or third similar product.
This could work well for businesses whose customers would like to buy more than one. A good example would be a ladies shoe store. This kind of business could significantly increase sales by offering a second pair of shoes at 15% -- 20% off.
What could you do today to increase your revenue, cash flow, and profits? Could you sell more today by applying any of these ideas?
Sell More NOW with powerful, persuasive, benefit-oriented copywriting!
More Resources at www.makeyoursalessoar.com.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Essential Features and Aspects of an ERP Software System
Salient Features of a Sound ERP Software System
Here are the basic features of a sound ERP software system:
1. Once developed, it can be further amended and updated as the need arises.
2. It is based on a reliable file structure.
3. It provides compatible tools for data enquiries and report writing.
4. It provides a sound interface to interact with the other elements involved in the process.
5. It avoids any redundancy as information is entered only once into the system.
6. It allows for the use of the best business practices.
Important Aspects of an ERP Software System
In order to judge the efficacy of an ERP software system, a company has to look into the following aspects:
1. Financial Management: Sound financial administration is an essential aspect of an ebusiness software system. A financial management module ensures that the company takes good care of its financial liabilities and tax requirements. Managers can also track expenses in real time and, hence, monitor cash flow within the organization. This will boost the financial performance of a company and also ensure timely & accurate financial reporting.
2. Human Resource Management: The HRM aspect of ERP is no longer restricted to mere employee management, their pay structures etc. The latest ERP solutions can undertake a number of tasks, including skills management, work scheduling, resource hiring, performance tracking, attendance and more. In short, this solution provides a customized insight into the complete HR process of a company.
3. Customer Relationship Management: Customers are the most important aspect of any business and no one can afford to lose them. As a result, customer relationship management (CRM) is of extreme importance to any organization. A customer oriented ERP business software solution ensures timely information flow between the customer, and the sales and marketing teams.
No two businesses have the same working model, as they differ in their profit objectives, production, distribution and other processes. So, one ERP system cannot work for every organization. A sound ERP software system is one that caters to the specific needs of a particular business environment and remains current via unobtrusive and hassle free updates.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Five Efficient Marketing Strategies
Social media sites or web 2.0 is a prevalent approach to use in networking. What is a social media site? A social media site is a site where folks meet to visit, share stories and pictures, exchange ideas, etc. Examples of social media sites are Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These are just a few of the sites where effectual marketing can occur. What are the steps to market on social sites? First you need to set up an account. Then you request people to be your friend or follow you. Then you need to distribute information in your status box each day. More often is better. Bring into being a group and encourage people to join your group. Again helpful subject matter needs to be shared with the group. Individuals will come to identify and be sure about you as they can see the importance in what you have to offer. Are you able to genuinely assist them in getting what they want? Can you pass on the education you have learned? Are you trying to help them or yourself?
Another valuable marketing approach is article marketing. Are you able to express your thoughts and feelings in written form? If writting is something that you feel comfortable doing and you can write openly and concisely then this might be a great plan for you to use. Consistancy in publishing 250-750 articles is very critical in this strategy. Then you need to present them to as many article directories as you can. To get onto the front page of Google you will need to discover how to locate highly searched for keywords that have as little competition as possible. If the keyword or phrase that you want to use is extremely competitive then you need to take a creative approach and get as many backlinks to your article as possible. As you hone your skills you will find that you can have a home on the front page of Google.
Video marketing is hot right now. Who hasn't heard of YouTube? The first thing you will want to do is to set up one account on YouTube. Save yourself troubles by only having one account on YouTube. Lights, camera, action! Your initial video is in progress. Make your video about what? What have you learned today about marketing? Educate on your video what you have learned. If you write an article and make a video with the same keywords link the two together for great ratings on Google. Bring together the two and you have a very effective marketing strategy.
Can you say PayPerClick (PPC)? PPC is a viable alternative but it is not for those on a limited advertizing budget. Yes, PPC can be expensive! If done right, it may be get you the most targeted leads! The learning curve for PPC is steep and can be expensive. The cost for this strategy is more then the others but it's rewards can be much higher, too.
Free online classifieds is a thelast strategy that I would like to dicuss. Although at first glance this might seem easy it takes time to become skilled at, also. Classified ads are short while delivering a message. Yet appeal to their emotional "need" to trade their money for your product or service. Give them no more then required to get them to take action. In 20 words or less what are you offering, why do they need it, and how can they get it or more information about it.
The measure of the effectiveness of these marketing strategies is how much traffic are you driving to your capture page on your website. Your capture page is where you can 'capture' the name and email address of your prospect. Remember that effective marketing strategies don't succeed overnight. Usually leads start to trickle in and as you are being consistent then so is the number of leads that you get. How would you like to have 20-50 leads coming in to your website everyday? Click here to learn how to leverage these strategies and more.
Wealthy Men Meet Beautiful Women
In our busy life, meeting well-off individuals to date is not easy. That's when you need the help of Date Rich Man. When men who claim to be wealthy join this dating site, they may elect to request an audit of their monetary resource to determine the legitimacy of their claims of income and assets and the suibility of their contentions. Once the member is certified as a millionaire beyond the shadow of the doubt as actally a well-off man, a sign of certified millionaire membership is added to the internet site profile of such member.
What to do after you encounter wealthy individuals online? Evidently you try to encounter them in person. How is that manageable? This has been made practicable by the countless features that the internet site hosts. It has an online dating profile, contemporary flow videos, smart match locators, on-line chat rooms, individual image and video recording uploading features, and sophisticated search characteristics.
All this can facilitate in the romantic relationship is frequently expected for a prosperous working up involvement. Joining this web site is free and after the swift testing procedure, it is done fairly quick.
Love is credibly the only solution that we all require most. This makes this dating web site a functional resolution to the touches of love for persons belonging to the elite group. Beauty finds wealth the website provides casual dating structures and enables discreet rendezvous with online dating mates. Of course, nothing is binding and the prosperous ones can decide to move out of a given alliance at any time they consider feasible.
Women look for men of substance; they require to contact wealthy individuals, they like being guaranteed. gentlemen like the conception of dating, they like to invalidate the time that is spent on finding sophisticated, beautiful women. Wealth verification arrangement is a instrument to let the damsels find their soulmates. The amours can also be kept secretly if any of the two mates claim such a stand.
To help date affluent people, the site also offers a millionaire dating blog. Millionaire dating blogs are trusted and all the entropy allowed for there is reliable. There is a subdivision in the dating profile where you can read into their current lines of work and business ventures. All this allows for the right kind of selective information a blonde, a read head, or a brunette, would like to pre consider.
Date well-off individuals, if not for a prospering relationship then to know how it feels to be a part of a world few of monetary touches, to know better, how the well-to-do alienate their modus vivendi from the common men and possibly to evoke that is special which is essential to attract the not-so-ordinary men.
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more informationClick Here for more information
Direct Marketing Services - The Basics
Direct mail leads can be an extremely helpful way to help you to dramatically grow your client base and to generate additional income. If you want to enjoy these results then you will need fresh, well targeted leads along with an offer that will appeal to these leads. The offer should be enticing enough to make your prospects want to get involved in one way or another with your company.
So how are you going to make this happen? There are a number of approaches you could take.
You can get a find mailing list brokers on the Internet. Then, after speaking to them, you can rent the appropriate list. It might be a business list, a consumer list, an email opt in list, or something else.
Next, you can develop your own mailing piece, arrange to have it printed, mail it out, get the responses, collate and analyze them, and proceed to the next step - following up on these leads with either direct contacts and/or additional mailing pieces.
What is the Easiest and Most Efficient Approach to Direct marketing?
However, the easiest and the best way to do this is by hiring an experienced direct marketing services company. A good direct marketing services company will discuss your needs and desires in depth with you. They will find out what you want to achieve via direct marketing.
They will help you to find exactly who your target market is and what their demographics are. Next, because they are privy to the newest and most successful lists, they will find the list that will work best for you.
In addition you can contract them to help you to develop your direct marketing pieces, get them printed at reasonable prices, mail them out, track the responses, and develop a database. A quality direct marketing services company will also have all of the follow up pieces in place even before the first mailing goes out.
One of the most important, money saving and money making facets of direct marketing is testing the results of both the overall campaign as well as specific parts of it. An experienced direct marketing service company knows what to look for and what to test, as well as when and how to test it. They know when to make changes - or if the campaign does not look promising enough to invest any more money in.
The bottom line is that the money you spend for their services will be repaid many times over in the amount of time you save and the amount of profits you will make. And of course, successful direct marketing campaigns will help you to develop long term customers who will continue buying what you are selling over and over again.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Role And Limitations Of Marketing Research
Marketing research is the collection and analysis of information that is important in the identification and solving of a marketing problem.
Although market research benefits a company in several ways, it is not easy to conduct market research. Market research is a tough job and only experienced people can perform this work well. Market research involves competitive price analysis and several other features. Market research never guarantees success; it only reduces chances of failure.
Marketing managers consult marketing research specialists before coming on any decision. Market research reports contain an alternative to an action and also indicate area where success can be expected. Final decision making rests in the hands of the market research managers and not in the hands of the market researchers.
Market research only identifies the environment in which the company is going to step. They identify the customers, market and competitors for the company. They forecast the future and present the prospective threats and opportunities before the company.
Market research companies believe that if a company wants to reach out to its customers then, it must adopt effective promotional strategies. Promotion is an important aspect for the business; however other elements are also required to succeed in the consumer market.
Since the consumer market is dynamic, even the market research managers do not guarantee 100% success to the client companies on the basis of market research carried out.
No market research report can guarantee 100% success; it merely reduces the chances of the product flopping. It can help the company take suitable decision, but cannot be help responsible for failures.
An intelligent company is that, which keeps in mind the Ken and Keith of market research and takes steps cautiously. It must prepare itself for all probable failures and losses.
To avail more information on role and limitations of market research and other aspects linked to market research log on to the website: http://www.rncos.com.
RNCOS E-Services Pvt. Ltd. is an industry leader in the field of online business research. We specialize in industry research on various business verticals. To read our market research reports, visit us at our website: - http://www.rncos.com or email us at info@rncos.com.
Video Source: Youtube
Streaming Live Television on Computer Stream HBO, ABC and Fox Free
To watch live television streams on your pc you will need to have a computer with atleast 300 MHz speeds to enable you to keep up with internet speeds. Your pc cpu should also have a comfortable RAM of about 520mb and the cpu processor should be atleast a Pentium 4. Your internet can either be a DSL or broadband but with speeds of atleast 128kbs to receive live television streams Online.
Online Television streams are offered as free to air Television shows from around the world or atleast 5 countries and in 70 languages including English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and many more others.
These online television streams include such shows as live sports Television, news on the hour, shopping channels, educational, discovery channels, Nat geo world and many movies. You can as such Capture your live television shows on computer in any language you want and whatever program you desire.
Some of the good softwares for streaming television to your pc have a very easy download process that you can complete in a matter of 3 minutes. The live Television channels are also very well arranged and the interface is easy to use.
One particular computer television streaming software that includes more than 3000 Television channels from around the world. There are also live television streams with extreme sports Television and hunting Television channels.
Streaming online Television to your computer is far cheaper than using satellite dish or cable Television services. With cable and satellite, you have to pay the monthly fees or you are disconnected. Online television streaming has no monthly fees since it's a free service. This is a cheap way to capture live television stream on your computer.
Read more details about the most popular way to watch live television streams online on your computer here: Click here
Video Source: Youtube
Home Business Online - Main Reasons To Start Your Own Business
Have you dreamed of starting a home business online, but can't decide if this is the right answer for you? Then you need to be aware of the top reasons why anyone would be smart to start a business on the internet.
There are so many different reasons that people all over the world are starting their own business. You may even have reasons of your own, but knowing the most common reasons will help you make a more informed choice about whether it is a good idea for you.
Below are the most important reasons you need to be aware of.
1. You are the one that has control over your life - Being your own boss and finally having control over your own life is the main reason so many people choose to start a business at home. Now one will boss you around anymore telling you when to do your work or even when you can stop working.
You are the boss so you get to decide when to work, how much to work, and all the other decisions.
2. Unlimited money - The amount of money that you will be able to make will depend on you and how much you are willing to work to make money. Having a business online gives you the chance to make as little money as you want to or as much as you want to.
You are the only one that controls the amount of money made because you are the only one that can control it and can decide how much is too much or too little for comfortable living.
3. Freedom - Everyone wants to have freedom to live life the way they want to. When you have your own home business, you will have as much freedom as you need and want. You will have the freedom to do what you want to, when you want to, but you still have to work on your business every day.
4. Time to be with those important to you - There are many people that want more time to spend with their family and friends. Owning your own business means that you can spend time with them when they are free to and when they are otherwise occupied you can use this time to work.
Knowing these most common reasons why so many people start their own home business online, can help you make a much easier decision for you. Just be sure you take your time and if you do start a business, then find one that you will enjoy so you can build it to be successful much easier.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Using Sales Letter for Marketing and Promotion
One marketing technique you may want to explore is the sales letter. A sales letter is simply a letter promoting your product or service, discounts on your newest offerings, or even a share in your company. A sales letter, however, is more personal, as it addresses individual members of your prospective market. For more details visit to www.sale-trigger-generator.com .This special trait of sales letters makes them difficult to write. Many of your prospective customers will have been saturated with hard sell, mass marketing methods. A sales letter, if overdone, can be irritating; if underdone, it can be ignored. Before you sit down and write your letter, take note of the following characteristics of a sales letter, and heed the tips on basic sales letter writing.
Sales letters, like any other letters, begin with a salutation to the recipient. The sales letter, however, will address a customer directly. How do you obtain the names and addresses of your recipients, and how can you catch their attention?
• You will need to identify the market of your product or service. Is your product something that will appeal to teens or adults? Who can afford it? Who might need it the most? If you know who exactly your market is, you will know who you should address your letters to.
You may be tempted, however, to simply pick up the nearest phone book and select names at random. This method, derogatively referred to as "shotgun sending," is counterproductive, and can waste your time and money. Shotgun sending, moreover, will make you appear even more careless, as you seem not to care about what your customers think and need.
A good method to narrow your market down is to do a search of your customers online. There are directories available for free on the Internet, although you must be sure that the online merchant is legal, and has gathered the names and addresses of the people in the directory with their consent. For instance, if you are selling textbooks on physics, you may want to search for directories of college professors, high school teachers, or even alumni of schools who might want to donate books to their alma mater.
• Make your letter attractive. If you are sending the sales letter through snail mail, you can have a colored envelope with an eye-catching slogan or catchphrase on the front. Such sentences as "Do you want to know how to get great discounts on your grocery shopping?" or "Know how to invest your money and get great returns" can make prospective customers open the envelope.
Making an email attractive can be challenging. Simply writing an attractive phrase in the subject line can sometimes land your email in the spam folder, or worse, in the trash. To know more logon to www.killer-sales-letters.com .If you must send a sales letter through email, make your subject line simple, but your contents attractive. Go easy on the graphics; heavy emails can take longer to load, and you may end up annoying rather than attracting the recipient.
• The best sales letters are worded simply, but with force enough to jump out at the reader. How can a sales letter be forceful? It should address the reader directly, and must clearly show how the marketed product or service can directly benefit the reader. The best sales letters are not even cute or clever. They are simply convincing and innovative. For instance, if you are selling car parts, you can include a section on the top ten tips for proper car care.
A sales letter should make people read, and then purchase your product or service. If you are simple but convincing, you will certainly widen your market base and reach out to new customers. All you need to do is know your
market and your strengths, and you can find positive responses to your sales letter before long.
About the Author:-
How Koozies Work
We all know that when you put very cold water in a room, and let it sit, it will gradually come to room temperature. The same effect is found when you place something very hot in a room (it will gradually cool off to room temperature). The reasons behind this lead us to understand how koozies work. It all has to do with the movement of atoms.
When something is hot, it is because the atoms are moving very fast inside of it. If something is very cold, the atoms are moving very slowly. In fact, when the temperature is at absolute zero, then there is no motion of atoms at all. When things are heated up, energy is being transferred from the source, to the object. This process is called conduction. This can be shown if you were to heat up a frying pan. Notice that at first the frying pan is at room temperature. Once the heat is turned on, it takes a bit, but the frying pan begins to cook your food. The entire frying pan will eventually become extremely hot. This is because of all the atoms moving very rapidly, and are becoming energized by smashing into one another. Once the heat is turned off, the frying pan is still very hot and takes a while to cool down.
So, how to koozies work then? The answer is very simple; they slow down the natural conduction by being a barrier between atoms. Foam works as a great barrier. Therefore, koozies are made of foam (or foam like substances) and encase the most of the outer surface area of a glass or can of cold liquid. This insulation works by utilizing two principals. First, the foam has plastic in it. This plastic is not a very good heat conductor. This means that the atoms don't accept energy from faster moving atoms as easily. The second principal is that the foam has room for air. This air that is trapped in the foam is an even worse heat conductor than the plastic. Combining these two effects, a koozie is an awful heat conductor, which means that whatever is inside it can hold its low temperature for a longer time.
John Hanksworth recommends QualityLogoProducts.com for custom koozies.
Video Source: Youtube
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So You Want To Run a Pay-per-Click Campaign?
A Humorous look at running a Google Adwords Campaign. A play by play of Google Adwords translated by a Google Certified Professional.
According to Google, all it takes is $5.00 and a credit card and you can begin to run your own Pay per Click campaign. What they neglect to tell you is that you need to learn an entire new language to understand how to manage Google Ad Words. When I first had the idea to write this article, I had thought of creating a handy desktop guide to explain Google acronyms for PPC - Sort of a “Google for Dummies.” (There actually is such a book under that title available, imagine that!)
Somehow listing a whole page of letters and definitions didn’t seem like it would make for very interesting reading. So I decided to address some of the most common definitions and discuss the overall mechanics of a Google campaign. I recently passed the Google Certified Specialist Exam, which was quite a feat given I failed it the first three times! After he heard that, a friend of mine asked “Is the test that hard?” I responded by saying, “Are you asking is the test that hard, or are you really saying are you that dumb!”
Truth be told, the test is hard, and so is managing an Ad Words campaign. Unless playing around with words, budgets and bids is your passion, stay away from trying to do it yourself and hire a professional.
In the meantime, let’s talk about what you do get started in case you want to jump in yourself. (Do you have your credit card ready and at least a $5.00 limit???) In the spirit of the “Dummies” book we will start at the very beginning to show where to find Ad Words. (Definition-Google’s Name for their Pay per Click Program).
Go to www.google.com and below the search bar you will see a link that says “Advertising Programs,” click that and be ready to enter the University of Google.
It is here you will find a plethora of information, everything you wanted to know and more about Google’s advertising programs. You have the choice to attend Ad Word “U” or Ad Sense “U”.
Today we will focus on Ad Words, and as warned previously do not be mis-lead by the simplistic line that saysÂ…Apply Online: Create ads and start managing your account – it takes just minutes. Learn more. Once you pass through the learn more link, be ready for what I refer to as a “Masters Program for Keywords.”
Here you have a choice; you can begin the education process and watch the demo or peruse the FAQ section. I advise that you grab a Starbucks before you look at the FAQ’s. Google will give you the top five questions:
Top 5 Questions
· What are keyword-matching options?
· How much does Ad Words cost?
· Why can't I see my ad?
· When do you bill?
· What is contextual advertising?
After you have carefully studied these, Google graciously offers 26 additional topics to explore in their help center. You can even join a Google Group that posts numerous conversation threads from armchair Google Marketers all over the world! In case you are getting a little tired of just sitting at your computer, or have a long trip planned soon, there is a printable version of the entire FAQ for Google Ad WordsÂ…it’s only 180 pages. (I wonder how many pages the “Infrequently Asked Questions is?)
Three non-fat Mocha Grande Lattes later (it was so much easier learning how to speak Starbucks than Google) you are pretty confident you’ve got a handle on all the basic definitions. In fact you can recite in your sleep the difference between CPC, (Cost per Click), CTR (Click through Rate), CPM (Cost per Marketing), CPA (Cost per Acquisition). You thoroughly understand what broad, phrase, specific and negative match for keywords is. You are now becoming an expert playing with the keyword toolbox, traffic estimator and adword discounter.
As you dive into writing your first campaign, the terms and conditions and copyright laws are swimming around your head. You’ve got a plan for your display URL, your destination URL, and you think your conversion tracking code is set up properly. You anxiously await your first click-through, only to find when you login to your Ad Words account, half of your keywords gave been disabled. Google tells you that you need to optimize your keywords, or raise the minimum bid to make them active again!
It’s somewhere over the next few days, when you have accumulated thousands of impressions, minimal click-throughs, and zero conversions, that you come to the conclusion this is not as easy as it sounds! The daily management of PPC can be all encompassing and seems like it might be a full-time job. You decide it is best to call in a professional and be rid of this burden of daily PPC management.
Exhilarated by all the free time you’ve just created for yourself, you decide to stop on the way home and pick up a book, “So you want to learn Search Engine Optimization?”
You can find additional info at the following links:
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The Most Powerful Marketing Weapon Ever Invented
It was probably first discovered out there in the caves or wherever else the history of mankind begun. And yet this weapon has been used so sparingly over the centuries. It is so powerful that those surprisingly few who have stumbled on to it and appreciated and respected its power have ended up making untold fortunes.
Even the greatest mail order marketer of them all, Joe Karbo, created a selling system that showed he fully understood the power of this weapon. (More on that at the end of this article.)
I am sure you’re dying to hear what it is. Let me warn you, you may be disappointed because like most great ideas which have changed the course of history, it is simple. So simple that you may just brush it aside – and lose a real chance to change your fortunes forever. Well, you have been warned.
Here it is.
Let’s look at a real-life example that could happen in your neighbourhood corner right now.
Picture a small business selling doughnuts at a street corner. Potential clients in their hundreds pass by and ignore the seller’s smile and well displayed juicy-looking doughnuts. At the end of the day, he has barely sold a dozen.
Then a simple selling system involving tiny, miniature versions of the doughnuts being given away for free to passersby is introduced. A few people stop to sample the free doughnuts, at least half of them end up purchasing a doughnut or two. The small business owner does some arithmetic at the end of a hectic day. The bill for the samples was high, but his cash box is bulging like it never has before and the sheer volumes of business has reduced the expense for the free samples to a tiny fraction of his takings.
No matter how complex your business is, it can benefit tremendously from the power of a free sample. A few more examples;
An office cleaning concern wanted to expand its’ client base to restaurants but had a lot of difficulties making any head way until they came up with a simple selling system. They approached restaurants and offered to clean up free of charge, the only condition was that the owner sees the dirt that will be cleaned off their premises before it’s disposed of. (If you know the right places to look, any premises will give you a load of dirt enough to make anybody sick.)
Well, almost anybody because only 80% of the restaurants that were cleaned free of charge, signed up to have the firm clean up their premises on a regular basis. Not good enough for the city health inspectors but an unbelievably high percentage for any selling system. It naturally revolutionized this cleaning business.
A media company was facing very stiff competition getting advertisements into their newspaper. They designed a simple system where the company sales representatives approached a carefully selected client list with samples of their advertisements re-designed and placed on a dummy page. The response rate? Well, 4 out of every 10 clients approached in this way signed up for advertising space on the spot.
A company selling solar panels in the heart of Africa wasn’t making much headway until they bit the bullet with the following crazy selling system. They found a simple way to assess the income capabilities of rural homes that had no access to electricity. They would then knock on doors and offer to install solar electricity free of charge. They would then come back a week later and if the house owner liked it, they would pay for it and keep it. If they didn’t the solar firm would simply take their equipment and leave.
The firm which tried this strategy a few years back has bluntly refused to release the response rates for publication. But I can tell you one thing, this system helped to build up the company and today it’s the largest solar energy firm in East and Central Africa, having sold hundreds of thousands of solar systems in a part of the world that has one of the lowest per capita incomes on earth.
And I could go on and on with hundreds of other examples.
The point is that we are always trying to complicate things with elaborate new ideas when all we need to do is keep it simple and look back at the history of mankind. I can almost see that vicious looking hunter violently refusing to exchange part of his kill for a basket of fruit from the fruit-gatherer. That’s until he tastes a free sample of the fruit. Then he happily gives away half his kill for the entire basket.
Let’s wrap it up with Joe Karbo’s amazing selling system. His offer was simple. Order his book The Lazy man’s way to riches. Don’t pay for it now. Simply send a post-dated cheque dated 30 days later. Receive the book (a free sample because you have the option of returning it to the sender and not paying for it) and then if you are satisfied, you keep it. Millions of words have been written about Karbo’s techniques, but everybody seems to have missed this simple secret behind his success. A free sample will always do it where everything else has failed.
Monday, May 27, 2013
The Impact of SEO Web Design on Search Engines
SEO web design is a concept which emphasizes great architectural design principles based on how the search engines determine relevance and site information. The design should be able to give out the information that the user is seeking and at the same time be easily navigable. This is part of search engine optimization because the SEO web design should also be able to satisfy robotic crawlers and spiders in their quest for information regarding the website and other data.
SEO Web Design and Site Optimization
Search engine optimization is more than just a trend nowadays. It is used and applied by almost all sites on the internet that aim to make money and reach online popularity. Among the many strategies of optimizing a web site, SEO web design is one of the topmost priorities.
The impact of the design of the site on search engine robotic crawlers or spiders can help raise the ranking of the site. This is where SEO web design comes in. There are many ways to make the web site more attractive to robotic visitors and human visitors alike. Actually, spiders and crawlers from search engines do not mind the overall aesthetic value of the site. All these robotic crawlers need is the information it can get from the site. The tricky part is how to put relevant information in the site in order for the crawlers to properly index the site due to its relevance. SEO companies who specialize in optimizing web sites must also know how to put a site in front of others in order to bring it to the attention of the Internet users. The search optimizers who will handle your site must be able to know the right strategies to place the web site ahead of others in its field through accepted methods of optimization.
SEO web design is a competitive area where web designers, or what I prefer to call website architects, work hard to come up with ideas and designs that are aesthetically appealing and relevant at the same time. There has to be consideration for ease of getting around the website, being appealing to a wide range of visitors and finding the right place for the website. Making a a basic, visually appealing site is easy with the many technologic advances available today, the problem with these advances are that they are sometimes quite tricky to use thus making your website difficult to navigate in. SEO web design should be easy to use and friendly to both human and robotic browsers.
Easy navigational access can be done by making the pages of the site easy to navigate to and having easy to understand and use button or labels to click on. The pictures and images on your SEO web design should be just the right size and scale to enable users to see them promptly after clicking instead of taking a very long time to download. Waiting for images and other graphics to load can be off putting for most visitors and will eventually lead them to another site which is more optimized and easy to view. Even spiders and crawlers will give up on a site which is not easy to navigate and get into.
The overall appeal of the SEO web design should not only be focused mainly on the niche that it is targeted on but also for Internet users who might have stumbled onto the site. SEO web design should have a universal appeal even for the most specialized type of sites on the Internet. Some webmasters or website owners could opt for specialized SEO web designs and these can also be done with the targeted audience in mind. It will also benefit the site if it is indexed as it should be. You might want to have a specific SEO web design which is built around the entire concept of your site and this can add to the ranking if you are quite specific with what you aim to sell or market. If you are marketing a specific product or information, SEO experts can focus on this product or information and build the SEO web design around it.
Another aspect of SEO web design that needs to be considered is what your competition is doing. The saying, “know your enemy” is the key here. You do not want to have the same boring marketing strategies as the competition. Why? Because it is a good idea to keep abreast with what they are doing and how well they are doing in this field. There are many site optimization tools that can help analyze and determine what is needed for the site. Hence, in regard to SEO web design process, content is one of the prime needs and tools of making the site rank high during searches. Finding out or identifying the right keywords to integrate into the site can be crucial in making the site among the top ranking ones. Keyword search tools and having keyword rich content and titles can help to optimize a site efficiently.
SEO web design experts should also bear in mind that there are web strategies that may be unacceptable for search engines. Using these underhand or black hat tricks to perpetuate a site in rank can cause the search engines to ban the site and also the SEO web design company that did the search engine optimization work for it no matter how well the SEO web design is.
What Is The Difference Between A Home Based Business And A Home Based Job?
As a home business entrepreneur who is primarily involved with a program wherein I sponsor Affiliates in a downline, I often find that I am the recipient of emails from new enrollees who are clearly confused on several fronts. Commonly received initial emails consist of questions such as “When do I start my assignment?” and “What is my position in your company?” Somehow, these individuals are under the mistaken notion that by registering for a home business program, they have been hired by a company and are embarking on some sort of non-existent home based career.
It is apparent that a fairly generalized confusion exists among people desiring to work at home between a work at home job and a work at home business. Further, it seems apparent that individuals are not thoroughly researching an entity’s background, specifications, and compensation PRIOR to enrolling. Therefore, it is the goal of this article to define a home based job, a home based business, and to outline the differences between the two so that those desiring to work at home may make informed choices prior to clicking on enrollment forms online.
Despite the national trend of allowing more and more people to tele-commute rather than spending 40 hours per week at a desk on site at a given company, demand for home based or tele-commuting jobs staggeringly outstrips the supply and landing a home based job with a consistent paycheck as an employee is in reality quite hard to land. Further, tele-commuting or home based jobs rarely allow for working solely at home 100% of the time. Generally, some “on site” time away from home will nearly universally be required. The best way to search for tele-commuting jobs is to directly inquire about tele-commuting opportunities in ones geographic locale. A formal employment application process, interview, and resume will certainly be required to procure a tele-commuting job.
Midway between a tele-commuting position as described above and home business entrepreneurship is freelancing. If one has a highly developed and marketable skill such as typing (particularly specialized typing such as medical transcribing, or legal document preparation), bookkeeping, data entry skills, or other highly developed specific knowledge that is in demand, it is possible to match oneself up with companies needing ones skills. One can generally compete with other Freelancers and bid “per piece” or “per project”. A company will generally select the most reasonably priced and highly skilled bidder and pay them per the pre-arranged terms at project completion.
A home based business is by definition ones self creation or in essence “giving birth” to sole ownership and development of ones own entity. Home business entrepreneurship involves designing and developing a new business from scratch where the home business entrepreneur is responsible for their own expenses and supervision and where pay is nearly universally 100 commission based. If one does not have specific skills, education, or a product to sell, home business ownership is still possible and indeed can provide a lucrative income if approached in a strategic and well-researched manner. Well-established companies that are recognized by the Better Business Bureau exist. Programs to seek out would be those offering free sign-up, an array of quality products that are in demand, free training, and access to “live” mentors.
In summary, tele-commuting salaried jobs do exist but the competition is fierce for these positions. Freelancers with highly specific skills can often work from home by bidding and being paid for individual projects. Finally, home business ownership is open to all, regardless of skill level or educational background and no formal application process is required. Home business ownership offers unlimited potential return, yet requires research, strategy, and the willingness to carefully invest some money for promotion in order to develop a solid and ongoing return.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Matchmaking Dating Tips Making Great Tags
Why? Well, interesting taglines or headlines help convince people to read the rest of your profile. Aside from posting a really good profile picture, a tagline can be your best friend in getting those coveted emails from other online daters. But here's the problem, taglines, most often that not, are difficult to write. Most web daters skip this process altogether instead of taking up time and effort in creating one. Good taglines are powerful attention-grabbers to finding the Man of your dreams.
So what do you need to do?
Think about what kind of match you want. In this way, you get to filter in the clicks that you will get. You want to target a specific group of males in web dating, and not the entire male population, right? So, you need to focus on the core of who you want to end up with, and cut the other superficial attributes, such as how sexy or tall you want the other person to be. Add something of yourself and then create a personal tagline. Here are three alternatives if this gets too complicated:
1. Take the first line of you essay, and use it from your tagline. But first, re-read the first line of your essay so that you can be assured that it won't put your readers to sleep with it being boring or being too long. Your goal should be that the tagline isn't wrong, dumb-sounding, but exciting.
2. Copy from another person's great and intriguing tagline. Don't be too worried, copying is not a big deal in online dating. In fact, if your tagline gets borrowed, be proud of it! That just means that it is clever and exciting enough that someone else wants to use it. Okay, but consider this, before you borrow someone else's tagline, make sure that it is really good and at the same time, fits you. You may also tweak that headline or tagline a little bit so that it will be more to your taste.
3. Do NOT use boring and overused taglines. A few examples include, "Hello," or "Looking for Mr. Examples of overused and boring taglines are "Waiting for Mr Right," and "You may be the one I'm looking for" which you must avoid at all cost. If you have these boring taglines, go to your profile and erase them immediately and focus on your creative juices to create a new one.
Sign up for a 100% free trial and make that great tagline at our Professional Dating site to attract rich, wealthy and successful singles online. You can also visit our Millionaire Dating blog on Millionaire Matchmaking for more dating advice and tips.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Characteristics of a Good Article
Here are some characteristics all articles must have to make them successful. Articles are important - they can provide content for your site, drive traffic to your site, and demonstrate your expertise in your chosen niche. You can build a successful business around a group of articles. It is important not to overlook the benefits well written articles can provide to your online or offline business.
Articles can be the main force in driving traffic to a website. They are a factor in giving a site its rankings in search result pages. The better a site ranks, the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie it gets. More traffic yields more site profits and more potential for other income generating methods.
It is not just about quantity of articles, top quality is important as well. Your articles must provide top quality information to provide the maximum benefits to your site. A well written article will catch the eyes and interest of your readers and keep them coming back for more. They will also recommend your site to others.
Keywords and Keyword Phrases.
An article should always be centered on keywords and keyword phrases. online, there are those who are just merely browsing and those actually looking for a specific something. In this case, a searcher usually goes to a search engine and types in the keywords they are looking for (Toyota Camry, Meningitis, Tax Lawyer, etc.). It could be anything they want.
It is important to have articles that have keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you should have articles about cars and their parts. There are many online tools that can help you determine what keywords and keyword phrases are popular. You can use these tools to determine what keywords to use and write about.
Keyword Density
Once you have your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them properly. An article must have appropriate keyword density for a search engine to "feel" its presence, but not view it as keyword spam. Articles should have no more than ten percent keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site in their search results. Providing search engine ranking is one thing articles do best for a site.
Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used in an article. The percentage varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article should have a title related to the keyword, and use the keyword or keyword phrase in the first paragraph and again at the end of the article. For a 300-400 word article, this is sufficient without going overboard.
Good Article Content
You cannot just fill an article with keywords, the search engines will consider it spam. You must be able to entertain people as well as provide good information and help for their needs. Articles should be written as if you were writing to a friend. Don't try to sound fancy or intellectual.
People respond well to solid figures, facts and statistics. Provide great information and as many facts as you can. These are simple things that are characteristics of a good article which will boost your reputation as an expert in your field. The more people believe and trust you, the more they will be able to trust your recommendations.
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Video Source: Youtube
How Do I Get an Online Associates Degree in Nursing?
When earning your ADN online, you complete the non-clinical courses online. Clinical classes must be completed at a medical facility. There are no online ADN programs which allow you to fully complete your degree online.
To find schools that offer an Associates Degree in Nursing online, you will need to do a little research on the Internet. On one of the reliable search engines, type in the key words that will help you find schools you are interested in. At the very least you should type in the words "Associates Degree Nursing Online." You may also want to type in the name of the state or states that you would like your program to be in.
The search engine will present you with links to many online schools. Spend some time looking at a number of them to see if they offer what you are looking for.
There are several things you should look at when deciding which school is right for you.
Find out if it the program is a work at your own pace program or one that works by semesters. A work at your own pace program will allow you to do just that – finish the work at a pace that suits you. Many programs, however, are structured and have semesters like a traditional college.
Find out when you can start. Some online programs have rolling enrollment, meaning you can start at any point. Others have a designated start date.
Find out if your will have an academic advisor. Most likely you will, but it is important that you are assigned one. The advisor will work with you closely to help you plan out your course of study, help keep you on track, connect you with other students, and coordinate your clinical classes.
Find out the costs of the program. All programs will charge different tuition. A thorough search of different programs will help you find the one that is right for you and the most affordable.
Find out if the school offers financial aide. Many online programs do. You may want to take advantage of it.
Find out where you will be able to perform your clinical courses. Make sure the facility is one that is within a reasonable distance for you.
Once you have done your research, you can narrow your choices down to a few online schools and begin the application process for your Associates Degree in Nursing.
Mansi Gupta recommends that you visit Online Associates Degree in Nursing .
Sunday, May 26, 2013
How To Increase Sales
In today's competitive environment, the constant dilemma faced by webmasters is how to increase sales. The usual response is to throw even more cash at their AdWords account or spending even more fruitless hours performing SEO voodoo, in the effort to increase website traffic.
Yet, by adopting a different sales strategy and making a simple, proven change to their sales page, they could double, triple or even quadruple the mileage they get from their existing traffic.
This is no unproven theory, because some of internet marketing's best known, and well respected, experts, such as John Reese, have tested this new method and found that even sales pages that are already performing respectably, can be made to increase sales by up to three times. Mike Filsaime and Harris Fellman are among other well know marketers to increase sales. Personally, I have enjoyed a 7.66% conversion rate selling a $40 product to first time visitors, whereas using a regular sales letter would have resulted in little more than 2% of them buying on their very first visit.
And the way we all achieved this remarkable turnaround was to simply add a web video in place of much of the sales page. You see, virtually all your prospective buyers have been brought up on television, movies, dvds and video games, so they are far more inclined to watch a video right through, rather than wading through a long sales letter, no matter how clever and beguiling. Even famous copywriters like John Carlton, concedes web video is an exciting new addition to the online sales armory. So the way forward is clear: increase sales with web video.
But, simply making your sales message easier to get across with video doesn't fully explain the dramatic increase in sales, so here's the underlying reason.The real marketing magic of video is this: people buy with emotion and the language of the emotional part of the brain is pictures, not words. So using moving pictures, reinforced by the emotional viagra of music, has a subliminal effect on the visitor, because it touches their emotional sweet spot in the way a simple text sales page can never do.
Yet using web video to increase sales on your sales page is merely scratching the surface of what video can really do for your bottom line. So here are a few more areas where you can maximize the value you get from every visitor:
**Add video to your squeeze pages: I've found a five second video saying something like "don't forget your free gift" is all I need to quadruple opt-in rates from my exit pop-up.
**Video testimonials: it's a well known marketing fact buyers like to have "social proof", so displaying a testimonial from satisfied buyers is a great way to boost your credibility and increase sales. So just imagine the impact of a video testimonial on your sales page.
**Add value to your existing products: if you sell "how to do" products, you can add a great deal of value by adding video tutorials to your ebooks. Not only will this increase sales, you can also charge more.
**Increase affiliate sales: if you use affiliates to sell your products, you can give each one a standard sales video, designed to send their visitors -- having watched the sales video -- direct to your sales page, via that particular affiliate's own unique affiliate link. It's well known supplying affiliates with effective sales tools is the way to increase sales and this is one of the best tools you can provide.