Thursday, January 31, 2013

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Goals When Starting a Medical Practice

In order to achieve success, you must have a set of goals that you want to achieve in your Medical Practice Management. If you need help opening a medical practice then you should seek help from more informed people. It’s important for you to know exactly... Read >

Reasons to Be HIPAA Compliant

There are some things that you need to know about HIPAA and OSHA when opening a medical practice. Obviously, the most important aspect of HIPAA is their privacy protection act. The HIPAA privacy protection act went into effect in April 2003 for "covered e... Read >

Do You Want to Start a Cash Only Medical Practice?

Cash only medical practices are a popular topic as of late. These operations help medical professionals to avoid the hassles of a typical medical practice, including issues like: -HMOs -Malpractice premium increases -Overhead -Managed care -Socialize... Read >

Ideal Cities for Cash Only Medical Practices

Starting a cash only medical practice begins with choosing the right location. While some physicians will have instant success, such as in rural areas and major cities where lack of insurance is a big issue, others might have difficulty attracting busines... Read >

The Up and Coming Cash Only Medical Practice

Health insurance companies are taking over the medical industry at an alarming rate. According to research, about 9 out of every 10 doctors are contracted with managed-care services or insurance companies, making it difficult for them to control their own... Read >

Top Health Trends of 2010

Every year brings with it different health trends and issues that are more important than others. In 2010, the focus of health is very similar to the focus in previous years, but with a few changes that stand out above the rest. Here are some of the top h... Read >

Top Publications for Healthcare Advertising

There are many different places that healthcare advertising can be effective. Billboards, TV commercials, radio spots, and even online advertisements are all great tools for a variety of different marketing strategies, including those of healthcare servic... Read >

Why Cash Only Medical Practices are So Popular

In a time when more than 45 million U.S. citizens are living without health insurance, there is a need for change. The government has recognized this need and started the ball rolling on healthcare reform. However, many physicians have already begun imple... Read >

marketing Tools and Tricks">Cash Only Medical Practice Marketing Tools and Tricks

Your cash only medical practice is a great business idea. However, it isn’t going to sell itself. When people aren’t aware of your practice, they aren’t going to visit you. Word of mouth from your existing patients will be somewhat useful, but there are t... Read >

Understanding the Cash Only Medical Practice Market

With today’s medical environment so reliant on complicated insurance company regulations and intricate billing procedures, many physicians are looking for niche medical practices that will allow them to maintain their income standards while decreasing the... Read >

Learn the New “Business” of Medicine – Start a Niche Medical Practice

With the increasing number of United States’ citizens with little or no health insurance, a new "business" of medicine is emerging. The most up and coming forms of medical practices today include the revival of the medical "house call" practice or cash on... Read >

How to Succeed with a Cash Only Medical Practice

While many people assume that physicians today earn substantial incomes and enjoy large periods of leisure time, the reality is that most doctors put in long workdays and end up relinquishing a large portion of their fees to insurance companies and patien... Read >

Common Problems Faced by Physicians Today

The decision to become a doctor is a momentous one. A notable and rewarding position indeed, becoming a physician requires great physical and mental stamina. There is truly nothing like being able to help a person when he or she is sick or hurt, or better... Read >

Hire the Best for your Cash Only Medical Practice

On the outset, a cash only medical practice would seem to be the ideal business environment for a savvy physician: no insurance companies to set pricing structures and necessitate pre-qualifying standards; no mountains of claims to process; the ability to... Read >

How to Make the Transition into a Cash Only Medical Practice

Many physicians began their professional careers excited about the opportunity to care for their patients and optimistic about the income potential, only to find out the reality of modern healthcare is not nearly this simple. The typical workday for docto... Read >

One Word That Will Increase Your eBay Profits - PROOF

Why is it that we naturally trust a website such as Amazon to deliver the product that we order quickly and efficiently, and for a reasonable price? Perhaps it is because the website appears polished and attractive, or that a website offering so much stock must surely be reliable. Or perhaps it is simply because Amazon is so well used that almost every friend and relative will have taken advantage of it at some point, providing their positive feedback to you.

There is no way to overestimate the importance of positive feedback, particularly on a website like eBay where a buyer knows that they are purchasing a product from an individual who may or may not value customer service. If you want to increase your eBay profits today it is time to start to take advantage of the power of positive feedback.

Instantly Improve Your eBay Listings

It's true that many buyers will follow the links from your eBay selling page or store to check out the feedback that you have received recently, but why not make their lives easier by including some snippets within your own auction listings? Feedback and testimonials related to high quality customer service or even linked to a specific product that you are selling, can really enhance your auctions.

If your eBay store specialises in one particular niche market, you may also wish to include some reference to the number of units, or related products, that you have sold. This can instantly prove to a prospective buyer you are experienced in the niche market in which they are buying, enhancing the likelihood that they will make their purchase from you and thereby allowing you to increase your eBay profits.

Effective Use of Tantalising Testimonials

Testimonials and feedback should not be used to boast excessively of how wonderful you as a seller are, but should be used to enhance an already well written product description. Filling a page with so many snippets of feedback from every previous buyer, to the point that the actual product description requires scrolling to access, is a quick way to send your clientele to another seller where they can see the information they require at a glance.

If you want to increase your eBay profits by taking advantage of the proof that your buyers wish to see, make sure you stick to the following rules:

- Use only one or two excerpts from previous buyers at the top of your auction listing. Never allow your description to be pushed so far down the page that a visitor must scroll to read it.

- Feel free to include additional testimonials after the product description to reinforce your excellent level of customer service, or simply the excellent product you are offering.

- Keep the feedback snippets that you use relevant and up-to-date, particularly if related to a product rather than the service that you are offering. Seeing feedback that is not linked to the item, or even to the niche market, in question will put buyers off instead of enticing them to buy from you.

Using proof within your eBay auctions is a sure-fire way to increase your number of sales, and therefore your profit, so why not take a look through your listings now to see how you can enhance them today.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Stages of a Real Estate Market

The stages of a real estate market are most often recognized only after the fact. Even when all the historical data confirms that a downturn is in progress, most speculators won't stop gambling. Real estate speculators call themselves investors because they believe they are taking calculated and controllable risks when purchasing homes.

In the mid to late 1990's real estate investing was virgin territory because it was easy to use formulas of 60% to 70% of Fair Market Value minus repair costs to determine an offering price for a seller. The "chant" was "Get as many properties under contract because they can only go higher!" In the earlier years, buying properties cheaply enough allowed them to be rented and they supported themselves while the investor simply collected checks. In only three years, a groundswell of speculation led to frenzied buying. Families looking for a home to live in got caught up in the buying panic because of the scarcity of homes for sale. The market quickly and efficiently climbed with the help of lending institutions who were offering low interest rates, 100% financing, with no proof of the buyer's income. Almost no other speculative opportunity in history caught on as fast because of real estate investors needing little or no money down and ease of loan qualification for "retail buyers".

Even when many of the potential borrowers had credit issues and minimal down payments, the lenders created more lenient loan requirements. The number of single family homes that were owned by investors rose from 2.5% in 1995 to almost 29% by the end of 2006. Effectively, these investors took away at least 26.5% of available single family homes with the intent of selling them at higher prices to retail home buyers.

Here is a summary of the stages of a real estate cycle:

Stage #1 – This is where supply closely equals demand and home prices fluctuate between +/- 3% per year and prices are basically stable over a five year period.

Stage #2 – Here demand out-strips supply, or a "sellers' market" develops because of fewer homes on the market. This can be created by investor speculation.

Stage #3 - Here demand far out-strips supply with resulting large annual price increases. Homes now offer new speculators more attractive yields than stocks and money market instruments. More so called "investors" begin buying multiple properties with expectations of selling for huge profits because of the low down payments required for mortgages or using creative financing. The market begins to feed on itself as homeowners begin to rush to take profits.

Stage #4 – As home prices become unaffordable, interest rates increase making financing costs too expensive for homeowners to purchase, and investors have inventory that can't be sold. Seemingly everyone tries to sell and the market readjusts to former market conditions by pulling back as much as 30% to 60% of peak values as the market begins to stabilize for 3 – 8 years.

Summary - Based on the current market conditions and continuing available data, the real estate market is well into Stage #4. There is no way to determine how long this swing will last but historically they have lasted for 6 to 15 years. This stage offers huge opportunities for real estate investors and homeowners alike that want to purchase homes either for living in for 5 years+ for homeowners, or for "flipping" for investors. Both homeowners and investors looking to buy a property need to be very selective about how much they pay for a property, the amount of costs to rehab it, how they will be financing it, how long they intend to stay in it, the carrying costs, other properties currently listed on the MLS®, and neighborhood conditions. Unfortunately, retail buyers who wait to get the lowest possible price often wind up paying higher mortgage rates which offsets the cost savings by waiting, especially when you include their cost to rent, and the interest tax-deduction that they lose by not owning. Investors will have to buy low and sell low, while the retail buyer has become "king of the mountain" in picking the best possible home for the lowest price.

Make Your Workplace Fun - Enjoy While You Work

In today's genre, people look out for light and happy working environments rather than serious work place. Their thinking and ideas about a working environment completely differs from what it was previously, the same old and typical work atmosphere! Where there is nothing to do apart from work. Keeping yourself happy and stress free during work is a really essential. The employees, who are highly motivated, certainly believe that the motivation arises within them from working in a pleasant atmosphere.

It is a big advantage for you to make your workplace fun and a happy place for your employees. The more they play and have fun, the harder and efficiently they work. The work seems to flow seamlessly. If you are wondering how to make your workplace fun, here are few interesting steps to make your workplace full of life and fun. You will not only enjoy the fun and excitement, but also have a calm and light mind to further perform work faster.

1. Let people use their own creativity: Raise the level of laughter to achieve more concrete business objectives.

2. Have flexibility in work: Having flexibility in work schedules of employees will surely make them relaxed. Allowing workers to work from home, reducing their targets, celebrating various events on different occasions in office will make the workplace more productive and less stressful.

3. Give them a break: Schedule exercise and chill out breaks for the employees. During the break they can spend some time among themselves doing discussions and chatting with friends, going out for coffee etc. This will lighten their work pressure and make them feel refreshed and relaxed.

4. Cultivate fun: To make your workplace fun and exciting, organize frequent contest, games, celebrations and different activities. You can also surprise your employees by throwing a surprise party or arranging a surprise picnic. Arrange parties with tempting delicacies, your employees will enjoy it and have great fun.

5. Create a fun atmosphere: Implement funny ideas and techniques to make your workplace fun, through which each and every employee will get a relief from tensions and work load. Perform tricks and ideas to make the employees laugh, laughing relieves stress and increases productivity.

6. Encourage mini time-outs. Encourage everyone to relieve stress by sparing some minutes for doing all the things they enjoy doing. A small span of time spared for doing something that interests us will reinvigorate the employee's towards meeting the deadlines etc. Do all that disengages you from the efforts and hard work for some time, listen to soft music, watch funny videos, crack jokes and laugh with other employees.

7. Crack jokes and be humorous in negative situations: Being humorous is the only way to enjoy and make your workplace fun. When certain negative and serious situation occur during work, make everyone and yourself relaxed by uttering funny jokes. This will create an enthusiasm and lively atmosphere.

8. Create a fun squad: Take employee's ideas and suggestions in contributing ways to add fun in your workplace. Make your own fun squad so that whenever you find a serious and boring atmosphere in office, you can come up with ways to make lighthearted fun in the office.

Unsecured Unemployed Personal Loan – No Job, No Problem in Loans

If you are an employed person who earns a definite amount of salary per month or week, you can easily get payday loans from a land based money lender. But then, you need to put in papers of your proof of salary, employment, and other papers to avail the loan. But in case you are unemployed, you are not considered for a loan. Even then, if you need money urgently, you can go for the unsecured unemployed personal loan which the money lenders on the internet offer.

As the name indicates, these are the unsecured loans. Unsecured loans carry a higher rate of interest as compared to the secured loans. They are also for a short term. This means you can take a loan of up to 500 pounds and you will have to repay it within one year. Some money lenders offer up to 5000 pounds for a three year term. You have to do small research on the internet to find the best deal.

As these are unsecured unemployed personal loans, you do not have to place any collateral. You need not find any surety too. You just have to fill in a free application form available on the website of these money lenders. Once you submit the loan application, it is processed and verified within hours. Thereafter you are notified of the amount you can avail as the loan. If you agree, the money is wired to your checking account.

There is no question of the credit rating either. You can get the loan even if you have a bad credit. You can avail this loan even if you do not have any credit score at all. Your credit rating check is, in fact, not a part of the processing at the online money lending companies. On the other hand, you can use these unsecured unemployed personal loans to improve your credit ratings. If you repay your loan without any late payments or missed payments, you credit score improves. Also, your relation with the money lender becomes strong. This is fruitful for the future. You can ask for higher loan amount once the relation is developed.

Abner Cassa has years of experience in the field of finance. He has been working as a top advisor for loans and business finance. To find Unsecured Loans For Unemployed UK, Unemployed loans , Unsecured loans for unemployed then visit

How to Make Money Writing Online and Content Marketing

Article writers using content marketing often overlook content readability when composing their articles. Writing articles online for money must not only consider motivating readers to buy a product. To make money writing online, authors must also provide readable quality content.

With the advent of Google's stated goal to improve a user's search experience, many websites and articles lost their coveted positions in Search Engine Ranking Positions (SERPs). It is now, more than ever, that quality website content writing is king. Writing online for money as a means of 'gaming' the search engines through keyword stuffing, article blasts to thousands of article directories, and weak, poorly structured website content writing are gone.


Readability measures the grade level needed to understand any document. There are several schemes that are used to determine readability. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is one of better known and most used measurements. Your content writing can be much improved if you incorporate this measure into your article writing.

Although it has come under criticism for its simplicity, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale is still widely used and can give you an idea of your article's readability.

You can determine your article's readability with the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale which assigns a grade level to the written material. MS Word provides a readability statistics feature found under the spell check tab that determines your article's grade level reading score.

There are free utilities on the web that allow you to copy and paste your document and the utility will return the grade level score. There are others. is one. You can find them with a 'free readability tools' search on the internet.

You can also use the Google 'more search tools' feature found at the bottom of the left navigation bar when doing a Google search and choosing 'reading level'. The organic results will show 'basic', 'intermediate', or 'advanced' reading levels for each of the page results.

Although, the results may not be 100% accurate, they do give you an idea of the grade level that your article or page is written at. It may seem that I am putting much emphasis on readability and quality content. It is important to note when writing for the web that the content be easily understandable by your targeted reader. You make make money writing articles online by targeting your reader.

Ideal Reading Level

If you dumb down your website content writing, the reader may feel insulted and dismiss your words. If your words are too pedantic, readers may accuse you of flaunting your knowledge. You may have quality content, but not readable by your targeted audience.

What is the ideal reading grade level? The answer eludes me. Many claim that the national average reading level is eighth grade and that article writers should write at that level or lower when writing for the web. I have yet to find any evidence to substantiate that claim or that you will make money writing to that grade level.

Studies have been conducted by various governmental agencies under the U.S. Department of Education and by independent private agencies on various aspects of literacy throughout the United States, but I have yet to find any authoritative data that specifically identifies the national reading average to be at the eighth grade level.

Adult Literacy in America

The study most often cited as the source of the eighth grade reading level claim is a 1993 study, Adult Literacy in America: A First Look at the Results of the National Adult Literacy Survey, by Irwin S. Kirsch, sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics. You can review the results yourself at the National Center for Education Statistics.

However, the study does not specifically state that the national reading level average is at the eighth grade level. In fact, the study's committee "Â… agreed that expressing the literacy proficiencies of adults in school-based terms or grade-level scores is inappropriate."

The study did survey levels of literacy skills ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, with Level 5 being the most difficult or the highest skill level. The survey did show that about half the population performed at levels 3-5 and half performed within the lower levels 1 and 2.

SERPs and Readability

Nevertheless, if we accept the various reading level scales like, Flesch-Kincaid, article writers can improve their content marketing to more closely match the acceptance of targeted readers. In addition, Google and other search engines may or may not look favorably on the webpage or article and rank it higher than one that Google deems to be written at an inappropriate level as evidenced by the Official Google Blog

For instance, an article written at the twelfth grade level about building a tool shed may not be looked upon as worthy of Google's definition of maximizing the user search experience. An article on the same subject written at the sixth or seventh grade level might well fair much better in the SERPs.

On the other hand, writing an article on the Literacy Statistics of Migrant Workers at the fourth or fifth grade level would not fare well with academic readers and probably not with the search engines.

The point is that article writers should consider readability when writing articles. The effort does not need to be an all consuming effort. Readability can easily be checked with one of the tools I mentioned earlier.

Be aware of the end user. The more you comply with Google's goal of "providing the best user experience possible," the more favorably the search engine will rank your writing for money efforts.

Know How Popup Advertising Plays an Important Role in Internet Marketing

Popup advertising can be very useful depending on how they are used. Most of the internet marketing experts and companies use this advertising strategy for obtaining the best results. The primary purpose of this method is to pull up the web traffic to a particular promotional website. Apart from this, popup ads will also help the business to draw more email addresses, which will be important for generating good contact lists and customer data base. This will in return help the company for email advertisement campaign. Usually, this is considered as a form of online advertisement. These are some of the major reason why it used in the internet marketing. When popup advertising is used in online marketing, it will help the website to maximize the distribution of the product information to many people. The usage of this online marketing strategy can become useful, useless or even harmful to your website. Therefore, if you are planning to use this technique for your website, it is very important to understand the process thoroughly and then use it for obtaining effective results.

The main aim of the popup advertising is to attract more web traffic to a promotional website. This could be done when certain website will be viewed by the visitors. When a visitor will visit a website, a pop up window will be allowed to appear. These ads will convince the visitor for visiting certain website for getting some freebies. Moreover, they will also provide useful information for the visitors. When the visitor is bound to visit the website, he has to click on the ad. However, when you are using such popup ads, for your website, it is very important to make sure that you are using the right graphics and words. In some cases, the visitor will neglect the pop up ads if it is very bright or in striking color. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the ad is created in the right way, which suits your business. In order to enhance the ad, you can also give it a blinking effect. The pop up ads should be simple in appearance yet attractive for the visitors. The first glace only should convenience the eye of the visitor.

Another great advantage of using popup advertising for web advertising is that, it will help the company to generate email addresses, which are very useful for list building. When you are using pop up ads, you will be able to use it either non-permissive or in opt-in way. In opt in process, the pop up window will appear when the user is about to go away the promotional website. In some times, it will also appear when the visitor is halfway by visiting it. These pop up ads will ask the user whether he or she needs to receive newsletters about the products or services they are promoting. Here the visitor has the power to either enter his email address or even to neglect it. However, this depends on the choice of the user. When you are surfing on the web, you will be able to find pop up windows that will even provide you information on wellness, health as well as the latest trends. These ads are more informational than promotional.

Non permissive is another option of generating the email addresses with the help of pop up ads. In this list building process, the pop up window will come out by offering downloadable useful applications and unbelievable freebies, as an online advertising process. This process is also some times known as banner ads.

Causes of ERP Failures

ERP is the acronym of Enterprise Resource Planning. Multi-module ERP software integrates business activities across various functional departments, from product planning, parts purchasing, inventory control, product distribution, to order tracking. ERP has transformed the way multi-billion dollar corporations conduct their businesses. Successful implementation of ERP systems could save tens of millions of dollars and increase employee satisfactions, customer satisfactions and sustain competitive advantages in every-changing marketplace. Corporate executives are often perplexed by the stories that how reputable corporations (Hershey Foods) have failed miserably and lost ten of millions of dollars in their ERP endures.

The failures of ERP projects are preventable if we can identify the common causes of the failures regardless the companies and industries that implement them.

An ERP system is the combination of ERP software, the business processes that the ERP transforms, the users of the ERP system, and the computer systems that run the ERP applications. The failures of a ERP project is often the result of the failures in one or more of those four components. The failures in computer systems (hardware and operating systems) are much easier to identify and to fix, so we'll examine the failures in software implementation, business process and user acceptance.

Failure of ERP Software Implementation

Module-based ERP software is the core of ERP systems. Most ERP projects involve significant amount of customizations. Packaged ERP software modules have built-in functionality that work in a standard and simplified enterprise environment. However, every organization is unique in data requirements and business processes. It is the customizations that transform packaged ERP software into ERP software that meets organizations' individual business processes and operations. Long and expensive customization efforts often result the pass of release deadline and budget overrun. Customizations may make the software more fragile and harder to maintain when it finally goes to production. Major changes may be required in the later stage of the implementation as a result of incomplete requirements and power struggles within organizations

The integration of ERP systems ( with the IT infrastructures also challenges ERP project teams. The use of appropriate implementation methodologies can often make or break a ERP project. (

Failure of Accommodating Evolution of Business Processes

According to Anthony, R. A, business processes fall into three levels - strategic planning, management control and operational control. Organizations continuously realign their business processes of all levels in response to the ever-changing market environment. Many ERP systems aren't flexible enough to accommodate evolution of business processes. many ERP system need a major overhaul in every a couple of years.

Failure of User Acceptance

The users of ERP systems are employees of the organizations at all levels. ERP projects usually modify the company's business processes which create extra workload for employees who use them initially. They may not think that the workflow embedded in the software are better than the ones they currently use. Ongoing end-user involvement and training may ease the difficult in organization's adaptation of new systems and new business processes.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Three Strong Ways To Skyrocket Your Affiliate Profits Quickly

One of the greatest thing about the world of affiliate marketing, is that it does not require having your own website. That means no dealing with customers, refunds, product development and maintenance. In fact, it's one of the easiest ways of starting an online business and earning great profits. Let's say you are already into an affiliate program, what would be the most important thing you would want to do? Make your commission go through the roof, right? How do you go about doing that?

Below I've summed up some powerful tips on how to boost your affiliate program commissions over a relatively short period of time..

1. You have to find the best program and products to promote. Naturally, you're goal is to promote a program that will make it possible for you to achieve the greatest profits in very little time.

When selecting such a program, there are several factors to consider. Choose the ones that offer a generous commission . Look for products that fit in with your target audience. Make sure that they have a solid track record of paying their affiliates easily and on time. If you cannot seem to increase your profits, stop promoting that program and keep looking for better ones.

Because there are thousands of affiliate programs online, it gives you a reason to take your time and be cautious. You may want to select the best to avoid losing your advertising dollars.

Create free reports or short ebooks to distribute from your site. There is a great chance that you are competing with other affiliates that are promoting the same program. If you start writing a short report related to the product you are promoting, you will be able to stand out among the other affiliates.

In the reports, you have to provide some valuable information for free. If possible, add some recommendations about the products. With ebooks, you get credibility. Customers will see that in you and they will be enticed to try out what you are offering.

2. This is very important: collect and save email addresses of those who download your free ebooks. It is a known fact that people do not make a purchase on the first solicitation. You may want to send out your message more than six times to make a sale.

This is the simple reason why you should collect the contact information of those who downloaded your reports and ebooks. You will be able to make follow-ups on these contacts to remind them to make a purchase from you.

Get the contact information of a prospect before sending them to the vendor's website. Remember, you are providing free advertisement for the product owners. You get paid only when the prospect makes a purchase. If you send them directly to the vendors, chances are they would be lost to you forever.

However, when you get their names, you can always send other marketing messages to them to be able to earn an ongoing commission instead of a one-time sale only.

Publish an online newsletter or Ezine. It is always best to recommend a product to someone you have contact with than to sell to a stranger. This is the purpose behind publishing your own newsletter. This also allows you to develop a relationship based on trust with your subscribers.

This strategy is a delicate balance between providing useful information with a sales pitch. If you continue to write informative editorials you will be able to build a sense of reciprocity in your readers that may lead them to support you by buying your products.

3. Ask for higher than normal commission from merchants. If you are already successful with a particular promotion, you should try and approach the merchant and negotiate a percentage commission for your sales.

If you're dealing with a smart merchant, he or she will likely grant your request rather than lose a valuable asset in you. Keep in mind that you are a zero-risk investment to your merchant; so do not be shy about requesting for addition in your commissions. Just try to be reasonable about it.

Another thing you can do is write strong pay Per Click ads. PPC search engine is the most effective means of advertising online. As an affiliate, you can make a small income just by managing PPC campaigns such as Google AdWords and Overture. Then you should try and monitor them to see which ads are more effective and which ones to dispose of.

Give these strategies a try and see the difference it can make to your commission checks in the shortest of time.


This article may be reprinted providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and link to the URL displayed.

Common Jobs That Require CPR Certification

According to the American Heart Association CPR guidelines, administering CPR immediately after the victim collapses doubles or triples chances for survival. CPR must be administered correctly, however; poorly performed CPR is not helpful in an emergency situation.

Health care providers and CPR-certified adults have the knowledge to perform more complex sequences of chest compressions and breathing, and also know how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). When you take a CPR certification course, you should learn how to use an automated external defibrillator as well as how to perform chest compressions with just your hands. It is important to familiarize yourself with both medical equipment and manual methods so you can respond confidently in a crisis.

Jobs that might involve dangerous situations or working with the public will often require CPR certification. However, CPR and AED certification may get you preferential hiring and promotions for many other types of jobs as well.

Common jobs That Require CPR Certification
Beyond the obvious jobs such as doctor, nurse, emergency medical technician, and so on, some common jobs that require CPR certification include:

* Life guards
* Youth leaders
* Recreational camp staff
* Personal trainers
* Coaches (even volunteer coaches)
* Institutional day care providers
* Home health aides and nursing home assistants
* Certified nursing assistants
* Estheticians (spa employees)
* Massage therapists
* Medical technicians and assistants

Some jobs do not require CPR certification but the certificate is still a good idea. Essentially, if you have a job where first aid skills might come in handy, it would also benefit you from knowing how to perform CPR properly and how to use an automatic external defibrillator. These jobs include:

* New parents
* Babysitters
* In home day care providers
* Restaurant staff
* Hospital volunteers
* Hospitality staff, if a pool is available in the hotel
* State park volunteers
* Construction workers

OSHA (Occupational Safety Hazard Administration) recommends that any job where serious accidents could occur such as falls, electrocution, heavy lifting, and such should employ first aid certified employees. OHSA does not require CPR and AED certification but strongly recommends both.

Taking the Right CPR Certification Course for Your Job
Each type of job will list which certifications are necessary. Red Cross CPR certification is slightly different from AHA CPR certification, but most courses will cover the requirements of both organizations in one CPR certificate. Read the hiring advertisement carefully to make sure you are receiving the right CPR training for the potential job.

If you are applying for a job that does not require CPR and AED certification but considers those bonus skills, make sure you mention your certificates during an interview. You may be able to command a higher salary or a leadership position based upon your efforts in first aid and safety.

The American Red Cross recommends that you take a CPR and AED course from instructors who offer the latest information from scientific and medical authorities. Recertification courses are necessary every year or two, depending on the requirements for your job. Guidelines can change over time, so make sure your initial or recertification course is up to date on the science.

It is also important to keep your CPR and AED licenses current. If you let your certificate lapse, you may need to retake the entire course again which is an unneeded expense and waste of time. Keep certificates updated even if you are not using them right now.

CPR Guidelines
The American Heart Association recommends that a rescuer perform 30 chest compressions and then administer two breaths to the victim. This ratio of 30:2 is appropriate for all people one year old and older. Compressions must be deep and fast-up to 100 compressions per minute with no interruptions. Breathing too frequently actually reduces the heart's output, and can cause more damage than necessary.

During a CPR course, you will be taught how to administer the proper number of compressions at the proper strength, and how to check for a pulse and "normal" breathing. A person gasping for air may benefit from CPR, and it can be difficult to tell when a child is breathing normally. Courses help you learn these skills.

CPR certification is an excellent tool for everyone. You never know when this skill will be called upon to save someone's life. It may be necessary in a restaurant, if you are involved in a car accident, or if you care for an older adult or disabled person. CPR certification is incredibly cheap insurance that says you have the knowledge to respond instantly to a life-threatening crisis.Visit CPR AED and learn about the cpr certification and first aid courses available for just $19.95. For more information visit online today.

Video Source: Youtube

The Color of Success?

Color should be one of your first concern when it comes to website design. Colors creates mood. It is immediate and memorable. It conveys character, expresses intention and emotion. Colors play a vital role in website's impact. It reflect the message and identity you want to convey to your viewers and can heavily influence the decision-making process. Your site will end up either plain and boring or chaotic and hard to look at. Thus, it must be carefully considered.

Colors affect us psychologically. They can make us excited, happy, irritate, angry or sad. For example, if you owned a restaurant, try to use some orange color for your interior, or a red color table cloth to increase customers appetite. A good color combination that create a relaxed atmosphere and a big appetite are the perfect environment for a restaurant. It's the same for a website.

Choosing safe color for your Website.

That's my advice! If you are not an expert in colors, you can refer to the color wheel to achieve safe colors - The Complementary colors or the Monochromatic colors. The reason for choosing safe colors is because the web browsers shares 256 colors, but bear in mind that not all browsers share the same 256 color pallet. They only share 216 colors in common (Mac or PC). If you go outside the 216 color pallet, that means you are using the color that does not exist in the browser.

Lets take a look at some of the color meaning:

Red - the color of passion

Red is the warmest of all colors. It represent passion, energy, desire, excitement, love, strength, courage, leadership and power. It also symbolizes fire, danger, blood, anger and war. Red reflects energy and can increase enthusiasm and interest. It enhances human metabolism, raises blood pressure and increases respiration rate. It has very high visibility, which is perfect for "Click Here" or "Buy Now" button in a website. Use this color to stimulate people to make quick decisions.

Blue - the color of peace

Blue is the coolest color. It represent calm, truth, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, harmony, heaven, sincerity and trust. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body which slows down human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. It also symbolize coldness, depression and obscenity. According to studies, blue is highly accepted among males. Dark blue is associated with expertise and stability.

Yellow - the color of joy

Yellow is always full of creative and intellectual energy. Yellow symbolizes wisdom, happiness, wealth, hope, cheerful, and intellect. It brings clarity for decision-making and awareness, sharper memory and concentration skills. You can choose yellow to promote children's product. Men usually perceive yellow as a very 'childish' color, so it is not recommended to use it when selling products for men - nobody will buy a yellow business suit or a yellow business bag. Yellow also symbolizes sickness, jealousy, and unstable.

Green - the color of nature

It symbolize the master healer, well being, life, fertility, freshness, ambition, growth, stability and endurance. It is the most restful color for the human eye. Dark green is always associated with money, banking, and the financial world. It is best when you want to promote health products. On the other hand, it can denotes lack of experience and cowardice. Green is a safe color and if you don't know what color to use, use green.

Orange - the color of energy

Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, success, attraction, encouragement, and determination. It is always associated with sunshine, joy and autumn. Curiosity is a driving characteristic of orange when it comes to explore new things. It is said that people who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. It has a high visibility as well, so you can use it to catch attention or highlight an important elements in your website.

Purple - the color of power

It is associated with royalty. Purple symbolizes luxury, ambition, magic and mystery, inspirational and imagination. It is also a color of good judgment. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is most favored by children.

White - the color of purity

It means cleanliness, innocent, goddess and safety. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White can represent a successful beginning. In advertising and design, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products.

Gray - the color of neutrality

Gray is the color of sorrow. It is the symbol for security, maturity, dependability and reliability. Light hues of gray make a good readability and backgrounds. Gray with more silver in it can be a very active color.

Black - the color of stability

Black is the most misunderstood color. Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown. It is also associated with power, elegance, formality, death and evil. Black is considered to be a very formal, elegant and prestigious color. A black background diminishes readability. It contrast well with bright colors. You can use a black background when designing photography to make the other colors stand out.

Do not take colors for granted. Your choice of color represents you and your products or services. Colors can emphasize the theme of your website. It must be used as a tool to attract viewers. Keep in mind what the different colors symbolize during website design and you will be delighted with the positive output.

Have fun!

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Making Money On The Internet - 10 Ways

I liked the idea of making money on the internet. Now that I haven't had a job in years, I like it even more. I use several ways to make money online, all of them carefully considered, so I don't have to be home to operate the business.

You see, there are all sorts of ways of making money on the internet. I know someone who sells surveillance cameras and equipment online, another who sells laminating machines from a web site, and several people who sell ebooks. Here are some of the other possibilities:

1. Subscription web sites. These are sites that have limited public content. To get the good stuff, a visitor has to subscribe. For example, a business-themed site might offer unlimited access to its resources, including web site templates, sales letters, and the latest news and techniques, for $10 per month. Get a thousand subscribers and you'll be making some money.

2. Sell your handicrafts. Many people sell the things they make online and make a good living doing it. Everything from handmade walking sticks to dog clothing is sold online.

3. Sell your book. The internet has made it easier than ever to sell your book without needing a publisher. You can set up a sales site and either promote it free using articles, or pay for search traffic.

4. Sell downloadable products. Ebooks and reports are easy to make now, and don't require any printing expense. They also don't require any shipping. Buyers pay with credit cards (many companies will even handle that for you) and download their purchases - even while you sleep.

5. Sell links on your web sites. If you have a good web site, people will pay to have links to their web site placed there. There are companies online that will arrange the selling of these too.

6. Collect from pay-per-click advertising. This has to be one of the easiest ways of making money on the internet right now. Just paste that code into your pages and start collecting for the clicks. I knew I liked this way the first time I passed the $50 per day mark on my click revenue.

7. Sell affiliate products. Visitors to my backpacking site click on the links I have put there and buy a tent or a sleeping bag, and I get paid a 7% commission. That is the essence of affiliate marketing, but it works in many other ways, and the commissions range as high as 75%.

8. Refer buyers to an affiliate sales page without a web site. Although it has become more difficult to make this work, you can still make commissions without a website. Postings in forums, articles, and online classifieds are all free ways you can refer buyers to a site that you are an affiliate for.

9. Sell pixels or words on your website. Do you remember the man who sold a million pixels on a web page for a dollar each, in order to pay for college (and much more)? Buyers got to advertise how they wanted with their 100 or 200 pixels space. The next incarnation was a buy-a-word site. Pay for a word and it was linked the buyers web site. What next?

10. Sell your expertise. Many people use a website and online promotion to sell their offline expertise. Whether you are a business consultant or a wilderness guide, you can make more money with an online presence.

Sell and ship products. Sell products that don't need to be shipped. Sell advertising. Sell your expertise online. Sell your offline services online. Sell other people's products. Sell your own products. These are just some of the basic categories of online business. Within each of these categories there are dozens of ways of making money on the internet. Why not get started?

Business Catalyst CMS Templates

target="_blank" href=""> business Catalyst CMS templates are the perfect way to customise your Adobe business Catalyst based website. Adobe Business Catalyst is a powerful CMS that offers much more than the typical fare. As well as the ability to add and manage your own online content, it also enables you to view data on your visitors, manage customer relations, and conduct extensive email marketing campaigns all from a single, convenient online login.

The platform is installed on your web server and this means that you can then login from any computer as long as it has Internet access. You can manage all of your content, read your email, and conduct any other processes that are required for the day from anywhere in the world, or just anywhere in the office. This convenience has helped make Business Catalyst so popular.

However, if you have only limited experience working with the software or you have little or no website design expertise then it can still prove difficult to create a unique and good looking website design. This is where Business Catalyst CMS templates really show their worth. A professional designer can create a stunning looking design that not only looks good but offers functionality to you, others that manage the website and its contents, and your website visitors.

Whatever industry you serve and whatever your business does, having an appropriate website design is important. You need your website to stand out from the competition and to provide elements that no other website offers. This will help you to provide a unique and beneficial service to all of your clients and it will offer you a great opportunity to develop relationships with new leads and to generate new customers.

Business Catalyst CMS templates can be completely customised to meet your requirements, no matter how unique they might be. It’s more than simply picking a colour and running with it, and you can have various elements added to the website including news feeds, blogs, forums, and even membership options and data collection forms. Using all of these elements you can create a hugely profitable online venture to propel your online business to success.

Mlm Marketing UK

href="" title="Read: Why use an Autoresponder">Why use an Autoresponder

Autoresponders allow you to keep in touch with people by email on a regular basis, even if you're out of the office, away on holiday, or just having a break from business. They're not complicated to set up, but the best ones do carry a monthly charge, ... Read >

Utility Warehouse Leads

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How to Recognise Personality Types: Yellow

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How to Add a Signature Banner to Outlook 2000

Sending emails is not only a useful way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it is also a powerful marketing tool for network and internet marketers; particularly when used in conjunction with an autoresponder, and nowadays there are some very cl... Read >

Read this before your buy Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring book

Having purchased a copy of Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring e-book at a cost of $39.95 we were surprised (and pleased) that we also got full access to his affiliate back office. This compares with a monthly fee payable to many affiliate programmes inclu... Read >

Telecom Plus and the Utility Warehouse. Is humour in advertising ever funny?

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4 Tips Regarding Superior Dollarstore Presentation

When it comes to owning a dollarstore there are certain things that can not be denied. For example, a top location is better than a 2nd or 3rd tier location. Being well funded is certainly more likely to support success than being underfunded. If you want to stack the deck in your favor, one area requiring focused effort is store presentation. That includes everything from the layout of your store to the management of dollar store merchandise. In this article I present 4 tips regarding superior presentation.

Tip #1) Your store layout is crucial to your business success. Don’t attempt to shortcut the time you invest to create the right store layout for the space you have available. Be sure to maximize the amount of gondola display area without sacrificing the wide-open appearance that is crucial. Leave enough space in aisles for shopping carts to easily pass. Be sure you don’t jeopardize store safety by creating blind corners or tight spaces. Leave enough room so all of your dollar store merchandise can be displayed. Be sure to maintain clutter-free product displays and that it is easy for customers to reach the products they seek.

Tip #2) Cleanliness can never be sacrificed. Consider store cleanliness during the initial set up of your business. Make it easy for employees to see shoppers throughout the store. Make it easy for employees to see when sweeping or clean up needs to be done. Make it a practice for employees to be alert to items left on the floor; always make it a priority that nothing is allowed to sit on the floor. Make it a priority to make certain floors are always clean.

Tip #3) Dollar store merchandise quality is especially important for those who shop at a dollarstore. No matter how attractive the display, selling inferior products will drive customers away. Don’t expect to achieve success by saving a few pennies on items that fall apart as soon as shoppers leave the store.

Tip #4) Effective merchandising requires ongoing focused time and effort when you own a dollarstore. Make sure shelves, displays and racks are kept full of dollar store merchandise. Make it a practice to routinely rotate your store inventory. Always include clearly visible signage on end caps and displays to draw attention to specials. Finally, meet the needs of your customers by carrying merchandise that is in demand.

To your dollar store business success!


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Napolean Hill's Life: "Think and Grow Rich" book FREE

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Reducing Cumulative Trauma Disorders: Easy, Fast and Cost Effective

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Ergonomic Keyboard Design: Laptop Computer Ergonomics

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Timothy Arends

marketing?">Why Use a Mac for Web marketing?

Macintosh is the forgotten stepchild of the Internet marketing industry. You’ve undoubtedly faced frustration when reading a sales page for a promising piece of software for Internet marketers, only to discover that it runs only on the Windows operatin... Read >

Troubleshooting Your Mac With Apple's Time Machine and Time Capsule

Here's another good reason to invest in an external backup drive and set up your backup strategy immediately: Time Machine can serve as an excellent troubleshooting device. Back in the OS 9 days, there was a third-party software program called Rewind. ... Read >

Review: iWeb for Mac Internet Marketers

A website and (most likely) a blog will be the foundation of your Internet marketing strategy. To create the former, you will need a website editor. This is a software program that allows you to create webpages, most often without needing to know how to w... Read >

Review: RapidWeaver for Mac-Using Internet Marketers

RapidWeaver, is an extremely popular website editor and, like iWeb, is a template-based website creation tool (In fact, RapidWeaver may have been the source of not a small amount of inspiration to Apple for its own website editor). Like iWeb, RapidWeav... Read >

There's no Shortage of Money Management Software for Mac Users

Anyone in business needs financial management software to keep records of all income and expenses for tax purposes. With a vast array of online services, payment providers, online financial institutions, products sold and sales that an internet marketer n... Read >

Quicken vs. QuickBooks: Which is Best for the Mac-Using Marketer?

Quicken Quicken (Essentials) (Intuit - $50) is a good, solid program, the oldest and best-known finance manager for the Mac, and can do the job for most Internet marketers. Quicken has irritated Mac users over the years, however, with slow updates and... Read >

Review: NeoOffice for Mac

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GraphicConverter and GIMP: Two Low-Cost Graphics Editors for Mac OS X

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Reading Body Language: Signs of Suspicion or Doubt

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Body Language: Understanding the Tell-Tale Signs

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How Shyness Can Affect Your Success On The Job

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What to do when the conversation dies -- 3 tips

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Don’t Let Shyness Blind You to the Dangers Of False Friends

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How To Know If a Shy Woman is Interested in a Man

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Creative Conversation Topics

Want some creative conversation topics? These are good topics or questions to have in reserve if conversation starts to lag on a date or in any other situation. First of all, however, don't overlook the obvious topics. Talking about the weather is seen... Read >

Small Business VoIP Services: Solution For Business Owners

Small target="_blank" href=""> businesses have the tendency to lag behind in their competition with their big-time counterparts. And those that do usually fail to meet their expectations of growing their business. Aside from their larger competitors, they also tend to lag behind other smaller businesses.

One of the causes why small businesses often result to failure is because they do not make use of modern technology. New technology plays a very essential role in determining how a company will end up.

No one would disagree with the fact that technology is a big factor in the growth of a company, may it be small or large. Even a single network of a small business VoIP services can provide companies a competitive advantage.

The Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, offers wide solutions to businesses. With a small business VoIP service it can save money and boost their communications competence.

One of the basic solutions VoIP provides is the reduction of phone bills. VoIP does not just target to dramatically solve the phone expenses of the company concerned, but also those of their customers. If you are a subscriber of VoIP, you can choose any area code you want to use. And for example, the majority of your customers are based in Los Angeles; your business can provide the customers calls charged at local rates, even when your business is situated in New York.

This kind of small business VoIP services developed to reduce communication costs can even allow you to offer you’re most valuable consumers free toll numbers. Up to now, this service may only be economically practical to large companies. But with VoIP, you can have that competitive edge. Small business VoIP services give you this solution so that your business can compete in line with the big boys.

However, VoIP is not just limited to this small business solution. VoIP telephone also gives the sales personnel the benefit of making calls to the head office for free, irrespective of the location and distance. The same advantage can be enjoyed by the other employees of the company who are provided with a VoIP handset.

VoIP applications require communication through the internet. As such, VoIP solution to communications can be accessed with the use of hardware and software appropriate for IP use including laptops, PC, PDAs, palm computers, Bluetooth as well as other technologies that can handle packetized internet reception and transfer. So businessmen who are traveling only have to carry VoIP hard-phone with an Internet access to get in touch. Or they may also choose to use VoIP softphone installed in their PC and connect to the internet. The technology of small business VoIP services allows businesses to finally contend with corporate companies in flexibility and speed of communication.

With just simple clicks of a button, VoIP allows the set-up of web conference calls. Unlike the traditional web conferences, small business VoIP service web conference features the technologies of web-based video, sound, animation, and digital voice presentations. At a small business price, this corporate technology can have customers impressed.

With an adapted small business VoIP service, businesses are not just provided with competitive advantages over their larger counterparts. Businesses of any size are given the opportunity to develop further over their peers when it comes to communications proficiency, rate of response to customers' enquiries and requests, and image.

Get in to Voice over Internet Protocol. Whatever your business is, and no matter what size it is, small business VoIP services will help your company save money. Also, it will provide you additional features and control which may not be available in current phone systems.